AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: Government

A Cloud Timeline: U.S. Government’s Modernization Journey

Over the past decade, consecutive administrations and the U.S. Congress have focused on IT modernization, issuing policies, directives, and passing legislation to help agencies move from legacy systems to modern commercial technologies. Policies that embrace cloud help save the government and taxpayer money and become more efficient, customer-focused, and secure. The following is a brief timeline of the U.S. government’s continued journey to the cloud.

AWS Cloud Migration Guide: Methodology for migration readiness and cloud adoption

There are many reasons why public sector customers are migrating to the cloud. Some are migrating to increase the productivity of their workforce. Others are looking to consolidate data centers or minimize costly infrastructure sprawl and modernize legacy applications that have lost value over time. Additionally, visionary organizations are re-imagining their missions by upgrading to cloud-hosted technologies that drive digital transformation.

Digital Transformation: A Guide to Transforming Your Organization with the Cloud

As public sector organizations seek to enhance their technology to respond to the growing demand for digital services, public sector organizations can face budgetary and operational challenges. Here’s where the cloud comes in. It can expedite the path from idea to execution, helping you step beyond the IT office to communicate value and build consensus among your stakeholders.

Connect with Citizens Using the Cloud

Many state and local governments are increasingly focused on expanding their digital services to increase citizen engagement. However, the rapid pace of technological advancement can challenge many agencies as they pursue innovation. To learn how many agencies are transitioning to digital services, GovLoop sat down with Jamie Butler and Brian Tracy, Solutions Architect Managers at Amazon Web Services (AWS).

New Services Announced for Canadian Customers

Since the launch of the AWS Canada (Central) Region in December 2016, Canadian customers have been building on AWS to help their organizations transform. Based on customer demand, we have continued to add new features and services into the Canada Region. We have launched 231 new features and services so far this year, demonstrating our commitment for continued growth in Canada.

Creating a Long-Term Smart Cities Vision with AWS

Cities worldwide are improving citizen services and economic and environmental outcomes through technology, while also seeking to create a vision of what a smart, connected, and sustainable city of the future will look like. While you can start building and experimenting today, it’s important to have a long-term vision and a set of principles to guide you in building cost-effective, adaptable, secure, and low-risk solutions during a time of rapid technological change.

Microsoft Windows on AWS: How to Bring Microsoft Apps to AWS

When you plan your data center migration to the cloud, it’s critical to consider how workloads will run for maximum performance and availability. With Microsoft applications making up 60% or more of most on-premises data centers, more and more public sector customers are moving their Microsoft workloads to AWS to improve performance, increase availability, and improve their security posture.