AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: messaging

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "How AWS Wickr can enable secure communications for the Australian Government and its allies"

How AWS Wickr can enable secure communications for the Australian Government and its allies

The use of consumer-grade messaging applications poses significant security and sovereignty risks for Australian Government agencies, making it difficult to meet governmental information management obligations. Official guidance from the National Archives of Australia (NAA) unambiguously states that “instant messaging posts … created or received as part of Australian Government business are Commonwealth records.” Amazon Web Services (AWS) Wickr is an end-to-end encrypted messaging and collaboration service that provides the advanced security, administrative controls, and data retention capabilities government agencies need to protect sensitive information and meet legislative requirements. Read this post to learn more.

Addressing federal record retention in mobile device messaging

Virtually all federal, state, and local government agencies are subject to various data retention and records management policies, regulations, and laws. AWS Wickr provides federal agencies with an innovative solution that can help them build public trust by protecting sensitive communications, while supporting the capture and management of records.  

How to modernize legacy HL7 data in Amazon HealthLake

Healthcare providers and healthcare systems want to modernize their healthcare data exchanges so they can better analyze and gain more insight from their clinical data. In this walkthrough, learn how to use AWS to migrate legacy healthcare messaging data into Amazon HealthLake, which can use artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to discover meaningful and actionable healthcare information embedded in unstructured text.

Empty school hallway with lockers

Improving school safety: How the cloud is helping K12 students in the wake of violent incidents in schools

Research shows that students who feel safe are more likely to be engaged at school and be more successful in all aspects of life – not just academics. But students are dealing with the reality of increased violence in schools – finding it more difficult to feel safe. Administrator concerns in the wake of school violence have made school safety a top priority in K12. One collaboration is delivering a safer learning environment for students through a scalable, highly secure, and innovative cloud services solution.