AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: Security, Identity, & Compliance

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Streamlining digital transformation in German healthcare with AWS

Healthcare organizations worldwide are leveraging Amazon Web Services (AWS) and partner solutions to modernize, transform, and innovate their businesses. Ensuring the availability and security of critical applications is paramount. For example, two renowned German medical facilities, Fachklinikum Mainschleife and Max Grundig Klinik, needed to modernize their IT infrastructure to comply with stringent regulatory requirements outlined in the country’s Law for Accelerating the Digitalization of Healthcare (DigiG). Reliable and compliant service offerings from AWS enabled the medical facilities to provide reliable access to essential systems.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "How AWS Wickr can enable secure communications for the Australian Government and its allies"

How AWS Wickr can enable secure communications for the Australian Government and its allies

The use of consumer-grade messaging applications poses significant security and sovereignty risks for Australian Government agencies, making it difficult to meet governmental information management obligations. Official guidance from the National Archives of Australia (NAA) unambiguously states that “instant messaging posts … created or received as part of Australian Government business are Commonwealth records.” Amazon Web Services (AWS) Wickr is an end-to-end encrypted messaging and collaboration service that provides the advanced security, administrative controls, and data retention capabilities government agencies need to protect sensitive information and meet legislative requirements. Read this post to learn more.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Responsible AI for mission-based organizations"

Responsible AI for mission-based organizations

Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) are transformative technologies, enabling organizations of all sizes to further their mission in ways not previously possible. But, it is critical to think responsibly about these technologies so that all users are treated fairly, data is appropriately protected, and individuals can make informed choices about consent. In this post, we discuss responsible AI and how you should think about your workloads. This approach will help ensure your AI systems are fair, transparent, and secure.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Singapore’s EVe harnesses the power of data with help from NTT DATA, AWS"

Singapore’s EVe harnesses the power of data with help from NTT DATA, AWS

In alignment with Singapore’s ambitious sustainability objectives, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) of Singapore is intensifying its efforts to spur the adoption of electric vehicles. This contributes to the nation’s goal of achieving 100 percent cleaner energy vehicles by 2040, and the effort leverages Amazon Web Services (AWS). LTA has set up EV-Electric Charging Pte Ltd (EVe) to manage the deployment of up to 12,000 electric vehicle (EV) charging points distributed across 2,000 Housing Development Board (HDB) carparks.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Using customer-provided ephemerides with AWS Ground Station"

Using customer-provided ephemerides with AWS Ground Station

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Ground Station is a cloud-based service that provides you with an opportunity to perform communication sessions with your satellite without spending a fortune on your own ground station infrastructure. AWS Ground Station balances between providing a ready-made solution and tailoring the service to meet the unique needs of each customer. One of the ways to customize the service is to use customer-provided ephemerides (CPE) for antenna targeting.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Web filtering for education using AWS Network Firewall"

Web filtering for education using AWS Network Firewall

Managing access to websites and safeguarding users from harmful content is a critical component of a layered cybersecurity approach, especially in educational settings. Schools and institutions of higher learning have a responsibility to provide a secure online experience for their students and staff. Traditionally, this has been accomplished through on-site web filtering appliances. Amazon Web Services ( AWS) Network Firewall allows customers to filter their outbound web traffic from on-premises environments based on fully qualified domain names (FQDN) or Server Name Indication (SNI) for encrypted traffic. This post will use AWS Client VPN to demonstrate routing and filtering traffic from external resources through Network Firewall.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "The Department of the Navy adds AWS Marketplace to its Enterprise Software Licensing program"

The Department of the Navy adds AWS Marketplace to its Enterprise Software Licensing program

The Department of the Navy (DoN) modified its blanket purchase agreement (BPA) with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to provide U.S. Navy and Marine Corps Organizations streamlined access to AWS Partners solutions available in AWS Marketplace. AWS Marketplace provides Navy and Marine Corps Organization access to commercial software and services from more than 4,000 trusted providers – accelerating procurement and modernization, improving controls and visibility, and optimizing IT spend.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "How to transfer data to the CISA Cloud Log Aggregation Warehouse (CLAW) using Amazon S3"

How to transfer data to the CISA Cloud Log Aggregation Warehouse (CLAW) using Amazon S3

In this post, we show you how you can push or pull your security telemetry data to the National Cybersecurity Protection System (NCPS) Cloud Log Aggregation Warehouse (CLAW) using Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) or third-party solutions.

AWS branded background image with text overlay that says "How AWS helps agencies meet OMB AI governance requirements"

How AWS helps agencies meet OMB AI governance requirements

The Amazon Web Services (AWS) commitment to safe, transparent, and responsible artificial intelligence (AI)—including generative AI—is reflected in our endorsement of the White House Voluntary AI Commitments, our participation in the UK AI Safety Summit, and our dedication to providing customers with features that address specific challenges in this space. In this post, we explore how AWS can help agencies address the governance requirements outlined in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) memo M-2410 as public sector entities look to build internal capacity for AI.