AWS Smart Business Blog

Category: Best Practices


Securing Your SMB: Benefits of Strong Cybersecurity Measures

Cybersecurity is essential for every business—full stop. As a small or medium business (SMB) you might believe cyber incidents are only concerns for global enterprises, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. According to Security Magazine over half of SMBs have experienced a breach—a third of which were in the past 12 months. But […]

SMBs employees working together in an office at a long table in front of computer monitors

Build a Strong Foundation in the Cloud to Help Your Small or Medium Business Grow

People often admire and pay attention to tall and shining skyscrapers. One thing in common among all these skyscrapers is that they each have a deep and solid foundation as the first building block of their construction. Without it, the building would be susceptible to movement, shifting, or even collapsing. It is a similar situation […]

Wine-Searcher CEO and engineer working at desk in front of laptop

How to Make the Case for Application Modernization to Non-Technical Business Leaders

How can you use technology to overcome the biggest hurdles in the way of innovating your business? In today’s complex economic environment, small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are navigating through myriad challenges—rising inflation, unpredictable supply chains, and tight labor markets, to name a few. According to the Gartner 2023 CIO and Technology Executive Agenda: A […]

Group Landmark employees meeting in an office setting about their cybersecurity plans

A Checklist for Assessing the Cybersecurity Needs of Your Small or Medium Business

If you’re like most small and medium businesses (SMBs), you need to split your attention each day and cybersecurity isn’t often one of the most pressing topics. For SMBs, the topic that is often taken for granted is the one that could have the biggest impact on business continuity. Without a dedicated Chief Information and […]

Man at desk in an office setting typing on his computer

Modernizing Small Business Communication and Collaboration with Cloud Services

When was the last time an important task, file, or customer complaint slipped through the cracks? How about a frustrating video chat or screen sharing connection where you couldn’t understand the person on the other end? These examples illustrate how outdated, on-premises collaboration tools can hinder productivity and cause miscommunication. Small and medium businesses (SMBs) […]

Circular diagram illustrating the continuous cycle of cost optimization: identification, quantifications, determinations, prioritizations, and implementation

Three High Impact, Low Effort Tasks Small and Medium Businesses Can Do to Optimize IT Costs

Did you know managing cloud IT spend is one of the top challenges for 80 percent of small and medium sized businesses (SMBs)? In today’s turbulent business landscape which includes inflation, supply chain constraints, and rising energy costs, it has become important for all the businesses around the world to proceed with caution. Especially for SMBs with […]

Alex Zoghlin at desk

What Small and Medium Businesses Should Consider When Selecting a Cloud Service Provider

How far along is your business’s digital transformation? What was once a buzzword has now become commonplace for organizations looking to move manual, disconnected business processes from on-premises servers to the cloud. So it’s no surprise that cloud computing has become an increasingly popular option for businesses of all sizes, offering flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. […]

Amazon QuickSight dashboard that visualizes hypothetical business data with bar graphs, pie charts, and other formats.

A Basic Guide to Customer Interaction Analytics for Small and Medium Businesses

What could your business achieve if it had a better understanding of its customers? In a 2022 survey conducted by Gartner, 84 percent of customer service and service support leaders cited customer data and analytics as “very or extremely important” for achieving their organizational goals in 2023. For small or medium business (SMB) owners, these customer […]

AWS Certified freelancer video chatting with his customers in an office setting

How Small and Medium Businesses Can Access On-Demand IT Project Support

Did you know that the biggest risk for companies to achieve their business objectives is lack of access to human talent? According to a Gartner survey, executives put a talent shortage as a leading issue ahead of implementation costs and security risks. It revealed that lack of talent is the biggest barrier to adopting 64 […]