AWS Startups Blog

Category: Startup

Meet the Winner and Finalists of the 2019 AWS Hackdays “Hack for Good” Competition

In 2018, AWS launched its Hackdays program, offering teams from around ASEAN the opportunity and resources to build projects and compete for prizes, the top of which was a trip to Las Vegas for the annual re:Invent conference. Over 1,000 developers from countries including Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand formed teams to develop new technologies during a one day hackathon. The winners of those days then squared off in Jakarta, with the team from Thailand ultimately winning the top prize and the trip to Las Vegas.

Rebuilding Puerto Rico’s Healthcare Infrastructure in the Cloud

Despite being a U.S. territory, Puerto Rico’s healthcare landscape is vastly different from the mainland. Federal funding for Medicare and Medicaid is 40-50% lower than the average U.S. state, creating financial strains for hospitals and providers managing those patients. Federal incentives for using electronic medical records are also far lower, with many hospitals and clinics choosing to stay on paper. At Health Gorilla, we’re committed to making interoperability actionable in real-world clinical practice.

Henning Lange Wants Customers to Leave the Infrastructure Complexities to Giant Swarm

Henning Lange, founder and CEO of Giant Swarm, has heard the murmurs about there being too much software out there. He agrees—kind of. It’s not that there are too many software platforms available, it’s that there is too much bad software available. That’s why he and his Cologne-based company are committed to providing their customers […]

Fornova Helps Top Hotels Maximize Online Bookings

The way travelers book their lodging has changed dramatically as Internet commerce has become more secure and Online Travel Agencies (OTAs) have grown in popularity. Customers benefit from speedy price comparisons and easy-to-read rating systems. Hotels, however, can’t always keep pace with the rapidly evolving virtual world and miss out on direct bookings while struggling to partner with third-party sites. Enter Fornova, which addresses this gap in the hospitality space with technology that scans, extracts, and analyzes millions of pieces of data from the online marketplace.