AWS Startups Blog

How HackerOne Uses the Cloud to Fix Security Vulnerabilities at Scale

83,000. That’s how many security vulnerabilities HackerOne has fixed to date thanks to hacker-supplied reports to their platform. “The data speaks for itself,” says Reed Loden, HackerOne’s director of security. “The types of vulnerabilities, the complexity to the vulnerabilities, the cleverness to the vulnerabilities is stuff that you’re just not going find from paying just a variety of security consultancy firms…  it all comes down to number of people.”

What Are Two Main Things That SaaS Startups Need to Think About? Algolia CEO & Co-Founder Nicolas Dessaigne explains

What are two main things that all SaaS companies need to be sure to think about? While there is likely a laundry list of such items, a culture of creativity and security should be top of mind, at least according to Adam Fitzgerald, Head of Worldwide Developer Marketing at AWS, and Nicolas Dessaigne, Co-Founder and CEO of Algolia.

What is an Engineering Manager?

I have held many titles in the tech industry: Engineer, Lead Engineer, Head of Engineering, VP of Engineering, and CTO. You would think that each of these titles would be self-explanatory, but as I’ve transitioned from one company to another, I’ve been surprised by how differently these roles are interpreted by different organizations.

Could This New Speech-to-Text Tech Break the Internet?

You might remember when Kim Kardashian’s 2014 Paper magazine cover boldly stated it would “Break the Internet.” All due apologies to Ms. Kardashian, but the Internet didn’t actually break as a result of her racy cover—it went on functioning normally. The truth is the Internet can’t be broken. It doesn’t work like that. Bad actors can try to cause regional disruptions, but aside from a cataclysmic event like the meteor that finished off the dinosaurs, the Internet will keep plugging along.

Win a Trip to Re:Invent 2018

We’re excited to partner with AWS to launch the Vision Developer Contest! Build an awesome app powered by the Mapbox Vision SDK. The first 500 participants to register will receive $50 worth of free AWS credits to help you get started, and one developer will win an all-expenses-paid trip to AWS re:Invent this November.