AWS Startups Blog

Tag: Healthcare Tech

Datavant De-Identifying Health Data

Datavant Uses Batch to De-Identify Health Data

Datavant enables health companies to share sensitive health data securely. An important part of this process is de-identifying records so that they can be used in research or analytics contexts where identifying information is unneeded or required by law to be removed. Datavant supports both on-premise and cloud workflows to de-identify data. In this post, we share a simple approach to turn our native on-premise application into an AWS-hosted cloud service over the course of a single sprint cycle.

Crowdfunding Charity Platform Kitabisa

Give & Let Give: Kitabisa’s Charitable Crowdfunding

Given the global ubiquity of social media and our ever-interconnected virtual experiences, it might be easy to assume, when thinking about building a platform’s user base, that universal goals are always best. That may be the case for certain sectors, but crowdfunding is a different animal. As a crowdfunding platform specifically tailored to the giving needs and patterns of Indonesians, Kitabisa understands that.

From Zero to EKS with Terraform and Helm

At Aledade, we perform ETL on the healthcare data of millions of patients from thousands of different sources, and the primary tool we leverage is the workflow management tool Airflow. Because the amount of data we process is growing exponentially, we have quickly outgrown the ability to scale our dockerized Airflow deploy horizontally. We decided to move Airflow into Kubernetes to take advantage of their native support for scaling pods up and down, as needed, to handle tasks. With zero experience running a Kubernetes cluster, EKS allowed us to get up and running rapidly. Here is how we did it.

Neura Puts Mobile Apps on Notice

Have you ever experienced notification fatigue? That’s the industry term for when your mobile apps prompt you to act so often that the notifications themselves become a burden, rather than a helpful reminder. Neura aims to change that.

Rebuilding Puerto Rico’s Healthcare Infrastructure in the Cloud

Despite being a U.S. territory, Puerto Rico’s healthcare landscape is vastly different from the mainland. Federal funding for Medicare and Medicaid is 40-50% lower than the average U.S. state, creating financial strains for hospitals and providers managing those patients. Federal incentives for using electronic medical records are also far lower, with many hospitals and clinics choosing to stay on paper. At Health Gorilla, we’re committed to making interoperability actionable in real-world clinical practice.

A New Approach to Understanding the Patient Journey Through the Healthcare System

Guest Post by Natasha Udpa and Nick Friedman, Product Strategy Leadership, Komodo Health In the 10 years since the HITECH Act spurred the healthcare industry to digitize data, and with the ensuing explosion of patient data, the healthcare industry has been looking for more data-driven approaches to understanding the patient experience. The trillions of data […]