AWS Startups Blog

Tag: serverless

Building serverless on AWS to scale Ramp’s fast-growing finance automation platform

For startups, coming full circle is a milestone defined by partnering with the programs used during early stage growth, or providing resources that help other startups succeed as well.

Ramp, a B2B fintech startup founded in 2019 by veteran founders Eric Glyman and Karim Atiyeh, does both. Ramp is a tech-first finance automation platform whose serverless modern application–in conjunction with its corporate card–allows businesses to more efficiently manage their finances.

Serverless Tenant Isolation in SaaS Applications with SigTech

Providing innovative technology solutions for some of the world’s leading investors, security is at the heart of everything SigTech does. SigTech offers future-proof quant technologies to global investors. Cloud-hosted and Python-based, the platform integrates a next-gen backtest engine and analytics with curated datasets covering equities, rates, FX, commodities and volatility. Through the use of the deep and rich features provided by AWS services, SigTech has been able to build quant technologies that are operable by their engineering team, can be developed and iterated in an agile way, and meet the security requirements of their customers.


Travizory Leverages GitOps and AI to Help Countries Unlock Safe Travel in Just 4 Weeks

As the world begins to reconsider international travel, the challenge many governments now face is how to reopen borders to revive their economies, while keeping local communities safe and minimizing health risks. Lengthy lines and unfamiliar screening processes at many airports make it clear that existing systems simply can’t cope with the ‘new normal’ of travelling. Anticipating the need to navigate this incredibly complex and high-stakes landscape, border security experts Travizory developed a world-leading secure SaaS border security and management platform using cutting-edge biometrics, AI and machine learning technologies that enables countries to safely welcome visitors within a matter of weeks.


How HeyJobs Ingests Millions of Jobs with AWS Lambda

HeyJobs aims to be the leading platform for those looking for the right job to live a fulfilling life. Serving millions of job seekers means that they need to ingest hundreds of thousands to future millions of job-offering details, multiple times a day, every day. Gokay Kucuk, an engineering manager on the inventories and integrations teams, shares their learnings about the AWS services they utilized for their serverless transformation. At the end of this transformation, the job ingestion capacity of HeyJobs grew from few hundred thousand to few millions per day while reducing their costs by ~30%.

blue clappia logo on white background

Creating Customized Business Applications with Clappia’s No Code Platform

Clappia is a no code platform where creating customized business applications is as easy as working with Excel sheets. Apps built on Clappia range from elementary to very complex, involving master data, automation workflows, and integrations with external systems. Its co-founders, Ashutosh Kumar and Sarthak Jain, walk us through how they achieved success.

SEON: Anti-fraud Solutions that Scale like a Startup

Originally starting out as a crypto exchange for the Central-Eastern-European region, Budap were soon facing waves of chargebacks that threatened the business. Unfortunately, by looking around the market we found most legacy companies operating in the risk tech space lacking. They were either prohibitively expensive for an upstart, requiring a long term commitment upfront or the integration process was to be slow and painful, and they often relied on stale data for risk scoring that was not appropriate for certain target markets. SEON was essentially founded to tackle all of these problems.

How AMPLYFI Manages Variable Traffic Machine Learning Workloads on AWS Lambda

Founded in 2015, AMPLYFI has developed an insight automation platform that helps organizations to make better decisions and change with conviction. AMPLYFI specializes in developing artificial intelligence driven solutions that unlock and analyze the vast amounts of unstructured data on the internet, internal company datasets, and industry databases, allowing customers to generate key decision-driving insights.