AWS Startups Blog

Tag: Tech for Good

Meet the Winner and Finalists of the 2019 AWS Hackdays “Hack for Good” Competition

In 2018, AWS launched its Hackdays program, offering teams from around ASEAN the opportunity and resources to build projects and compete for prizes, the top of which was a trip to Las Vegas for the annual re:Invent conference. Over 1,000 developers from countries including Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand formed teams to develop new technologies during a one day hackathon. The winners of those days then squared off in Jakarta, with the team from Thailand ultimately winning the top prize and the trip to Las Vegas.

Majal Champions Minority Rights

Growing up in Bahrain, Esra’a Al Shafei saw the damage that authoritarian regimes could inflict on minority voices, political outliers, and the causes of social justice. From a young age, she felt an enormous sense of responsibility to take action.

How Emily Kennedy and Cara Jones, Co-Founders of Marinus Analytics, Are Using AI to Battle Sex Trafficking

The European trip she took at age 16 gave her not only perspective, but purpose. It put her on a career path she likely never would have gone down: combating human trafficking. She does this through her company Marinus Analytics, which provides law enforcement with tools that utilize artificial intelligence to help identify victims and their exploiters.