AWS Storage Blog

Category: Advanced (300)

Lift and Shift migration of SFTP servers to AWS

Organizations across a variety of industries and geographical locations exchange data as part of their critical business workflows. Quite often, the operational burden of managing file transfer infrastructure and high capital expenses drains IT budgets. More importantly, it keeps those budgets from resourcing value added projects to differentiate businesses. To address these challenges, and unlock the […]


Increasing application resilience with CloudEndure Disaster Recovery

UPDATE: For a more in-depth look at this topic, please visit the blog post “Configuring Cross-Region DR of your Amazon EC2 workloads with CloudEndure.” If there is an IT disaster, you must get your workloads back up and running quickly to ensure business continuity. For business-critical applications, the priority is keeping your recovery time and […]

Deploying AWS Storage Gateway on Linux KVM hypervisor

AWS customers support a variety of on-premises environments and have different deployment needs. Until now, customers using Linux Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) hypervisor have not had a convenient way to implement a hybrid cloud storage solution using AWS Storage Gateway. AWS Storage Gateway provides on-premises applications access to virtually unlimited cloud storage using NFS, SMB, […]

Using Amazon FSx for Lustre for Genomics Workflows on AWS

Genomics datasets are getting larger year-over-year. Combining data from research initiatives across the globe, and having the ability to process it quickly, has been identified by large bioinformatics and genomics communities as an enabling mechanism for making significant scientific discoveries. Collaborating on a global scale requires data storage solutions that are globally accessible, highly available, […]

Amazon S3

Query Amazon S3 Analytics data with Amazon Athena

I recently had a customer explain that they were aware of the benefits of various Amazon S3 storage classes, like S3 Standard, S3 Infrequent-Access, and S3 One-Zone Infrequent-Access, but they were not sure which tiers and lifecycle rules to apply to optimize their storage. This customer, and others like them, have multiple buckets and various […]

Deploy a highly available AWS Storage Gateway on a VMware vSphere cluster

Tens of thousands of customers are using AWS Storage Gateway today for business-critical applications. By providing common storage protocols such as iSCSI, NFS, SMB, and iSCSI VTL, Storage Gateway makes it easy for customers to continue using their existing applications while taking advantage of virtually unlimited cloud storage. Customers use Storage Gateway to simplify storage […]

Automate restore of archived objects through AWS Storage Gateway

UPDATE: This post was updated on 8/4/2021 to include an AWS CloudFormation template for automation and also to modify relevant sections to reflect support for Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive and S3 Intelligent-Tiering Archive Access and Deep Archive Access tiers. AWS Customers who have on-premises file-based applications love having the ability to deploy an AWS Storage […]

Transferring files from on premises to AWS and back without leaving your VPC using AWS DataSync

AWS DataSync is a service we launched at re:Invent 2018 to simplify, automate, and accelerate data transfer between on-premises storage and AWS, such as Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) and Amazon S3. We recently expanded the service to support direct transfers to all S3 storage classes. Many of our customers are using DataSync to migrate […]

Simplify your AWS SFTP Structure with chroot and logical directories

UPDATE: The AWS CloudFormation template link provided in the “Try it for yourself” section was updated on 11/5/2020. Correspondingly, the blog post mentioned in the opening paragraph and shortly after the CloudFormation template as “my last blog post” has also been updated. In my last blog post, I showed how you can easily setup AWS […]

Register for the free AWS Tech Talk – Amazon S3 Storage Classes and Management Tools

Sign-up to attend the AWS Tech Talk on September 24 at 9:00 AM – 10:00AM PT focused on Amazon S3 Storage Classes and Management Tools. As your data lake grows, it becomes increasingly important to manage objects at scale and optimize storage costs and resources. In this tech talk, AWS experts provide an overview of […]