AWS Training and Certification Blog

Category: AWS Training and Certification

Sportsbet leverages AWS Training and Certification to take control of their technology

Contributed by: Michael Foster, General Manager of Enterprise Technology at Sportsbet Sportsbet is the largest online bookmaker in Australia, but we can’t afford to rest on our laurels. Our competitors are constantly innovating, and to stay on top in an intensely competitive market we need a continuing commitment to progressive thinking, a willingness to take […]

Build confidence to migrate workloads to AWS Cloud with AWS Migration Ramp-Up Guide

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has helped thousands of organizations migrate their applications and workloads to the AWS Cloud. Based on these experiences, AWS has developed a proven process, framework, tools, and playbooks to help customers migrate applications and workloads to the cloud. We have consolidated these resources for our customers into an AWS Migration Ramp-Up […]

Reskilling initiative helps individuals in Boston and Washington, D.C. launch careers in the cloud

According to Forbes, “advanced cloud and security skills are in higher demand than ever before; however, there is a significant lack of qualified, skilled professionals.” This skills gap is expected to grow. Nearly 80 percent of IT decision makers see hiring as a challenge according to the 2019 Global Knowledge IT Skills and Salary report. […]

Why Virtual Training Is (and Isn’t) Completely Different

Telecommuting, work-shifting, flexible workspace, teleworking, mobile work, working from home– these are ever-evolving modalities that have existed in some form or another since the advent of the personal computer. Many tasks that at one time required an in-office presence are rapidly being moved to virtual contexts. Cloud adoption has always natively been office-less, but one […]

Accelerate cloud adoption by creating a cloud enablement engine

A Starter’s Guide to Building Skills Needed for Successful Cloud Enablement Engines Cloud training accelerates adoption by first enabling a core team of cloud experts within the enterprise and later, by scaling cloud proficiency to the entire organization. However, ensuring that cloud skills are adopted throughout the enterprise requires something more: the transformation of individual […]

Introducing new AWS + Udacity machine learning scholarship program

If you read our recent blog post on learning Machine Learning (ML) with AWS Training and Certification, you know that we offer many different ways to get started with learning ML, from free digital training to virtual classroom courses, and beyond. One thing we didn’t touch on, however, is our collaboration with digital training partners […]

Cognitive Science Post 3: Using elaboration to reinforce your understanding of concepts

This is the third and final post on how you can use principles from the cognitive sciences to enhance your learning of the AWS Cloud. Earlier in this series, we looked at how important it is to not rely solely on passively taking in information from a presentation or a class. Instead, challenge yourself to […]

AWS Academy educators support students globally in the shift to online learning

To protect the health and safety of their students and faculty, higher education institutions around the world have made a quick and essential shift from in-person to online classes. For some institutions and educators well-versed in online delivery, the transition has been smooth. Within the AWS Academy community, we’ve seen educators quickly shift their courses […]