AWS for M&E Blog

[Updated 1/4] re:Invent Week 2: M&E-focused sessions on-demand

The following is a small sample of the sessions that happened during week 2 of re:Invent 2020 we think M&E Attendees will appreciate. Click the links provided under the session details to watch on-demand. To see what’s coming in the next weeks and get more details on re:Invent, check out the Media & Entertainment attendee guide to AWS re:Invent 2020 post. Here are the sessions from week 1 and week 3 we recommend, all available on-demand.

Virtual workstations for content creation with G4 instances

Virtual workstations on AWS enable studios, departments, and freelancers to take on bigger projects, work from anywhere, and pay only for what they need. Virtual workstations have become essential to creative professionals seeking cloud solutions that enable remote teams to work more efficiently and keep creative productions moving forward. In this session, learn how virtual workstations on AWS function, who is using them today, and how to get started.

BlueJeans’ explosive growth journey with AWS during the pandemic

Global video provider BlueJeans (a Verizon company) supports employees working from home, healthcare providers shifting to telehealth, and educators moving to distance learning. With so many people now working from home, BlueJeans saw explosive growth in traffic since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. In just two weeks, its usage skyrocketed 300% over the pre-COVID-19 average. This session covers BlueJeans’ journey with AWS and the architecture that was required to scale its operations while saving costs during the pandemic.

Deliver viewing experiences for super fans with Amazon Personalize

It can be challenging to implement an ML-based approach to personalization in the media and entertainment industry, but those companies that do see significant benefits, including increases in video consumption and subscriptions. In this session, learn how Amazon Personalize can help you add ML-powered recommendation engines to your website using pretrained ML models built on years of ML experience at Amazon.

Intentionally failing in production at Amazon Prime Video

Come along on the journey Amazon Prime Video took preparing for and debriefing from the English Premier League in 2019. Learn how the team created failure scenarios in the production systems (yes, production systems!). Leading up to the event, the team failed nearly 10,000 hosts in dress rehearsals; it was an experience that rapidly skilled-up the organization and gave the team some great learning opportunities. Learn how the team terminated hosts, injected latency, and created errors in dependencies. The strategies and approaches shared in this session are broadly applicable.

Digital transformation: Attributes of a 21st-century agile organization

This session demystifies digital transformations at the CXO, CIO-1, and line of business leader levels. Referencing the experience gained through transformation journeys with companies like Netflix, Allianz, Live Nation, Coca-Cola, and Capital One, this session highlights mental models and transformational changes to the business operating model to help you fully capture the benefits of the AWS Cloud.

Trust and transparency in live virtual events

This session demonstrates how to build interactive, trusted, and transparent live virtual experiences using the Amazon Interactive Video Service, Amazon Chime, Amazon QLDB, and Amazon Managed Blockchain to capture cryptographic, immutable, and verifiable records of real-time audience interactions.

Untangling multi-account management with ConsoleMe

At Netflix, the Cloud Infrastructure Security Team manages IAM permissions across hundreds of accounts, coordinating with users’ varied AWS experience. In this session, explore a Netflix tool, ConsoleMe, developed to address this issue securely, reduce inconsistencies and delays experienced by end users, and lower the multi-account management burden. ConsoleMe simplifies IAM permissions management by showing Netflix cloud resources in a single interface. It provides a multistep, dynamic, self-service wizard, which determines permissions, generates resource policies automatically, and uses Zelkova to intelligently apply low-risk permission requests. ConsoleMe also brokers application AWS credentials to provide users with short-lived IAM credentials for testing and development.

Simplifying delivery as code with Spinnaker and Kubernetes

Software delivery can seem simple at first. Step 1: Build code. Step 2: Deploy application. Step 3: The end. Complexity often sneaks into our processes uninvited, disguised as scale, testing, auditing, sharing, etc. Delightfully simple workflows can quickly balloon into complex pipelines that require operators to see around every corner and, in many cases, are directly at odds with the declarative infrastructure processes operators love to build. In this session, Netflix and AWS discuss their collaboration on Spinnaker’s next-gen vision for transitioning from an imperative mix of pipelines and stages to a more declarative description of end goals and bring the “delightful” back to “delivery.”


me. Magazine cover image of people working in clouds, in front of a soccerball, video game character, woman doing yoga, chef pipetting and a guitar

Learn more about how AWS customers, including Food Network Kitchen, FOX, Riot Games, and Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, use the cloud to create innovative and engaging services for their viewers, while also improving the scalability and reliability of their business operations in me. Magazine Issue 2.