AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: Amazon SNS


Amazon S3 Malware Scanning Using Trend Micro Cloud One and AWS Security Hub

Cloud security is the highest priority at AWS, and we work closely with industry-leading partners such as Trend Micro to build security solutions for customers. In this post, we share a malware scanning solution jointly built by Trend Micro and AWS that detects and automates response to malware payload uploaded to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). The solution uses Trend Micro threat intelligence capabilities and AWS Security Hub.


Re-Architecting the Application Journey to Cloud-Native Using an AWS Services-Based API Factory Model and Jump-Start Kit

A Tech Mahindra customer had a vision for cloud adoption and API development in a multi-cloud environment. They wanted to transition all appropriate old and new applications to an event-driven architecture while moving away from trigger-based synchronization of data between the different systems. Learn about the key aspects of Tech Mahindra’s API Factory Model and how it was used for re-architecting the customer’s on-premises application to a cloud-native application.


Creating a Complete Collaboration Solution with Amazon Chime SDK and Bluescape

Video conferencing provides a communication channel for meetings, but one-way screen sharing falls short of fulfilling the real needs of hybrid and remote teams. Bluescape’s goal is to make virtual meetings as effective and seamless as working together side-by-side. To do this, Bluescape has fundamentally changing the way content is shared in video meetings. Amazon Chime SDK provides the real-time communications components that enable audio, video, and screen share capabilities.


Debugging Distributed Workloads on AWS Fargate in a Fast and Secure Way with Thundra Sidekick

The robustness and ultimate scalability of AWS has made it possible to build a reliable and fast architecture. Application teams are looking for ways of understanding, isolating, and resolving problems faster without causing a negative impact on end users. In this post, we’ll discuss several approaches to debugging remote applications on AWS Fargate and suggest a solution developed by Thundra that handles the downsides of existing approaches.


Automation-Driven Atos Cloud Migration Factory for Accelerated Containerization

Containerization has emerged as one of the most popular choices for application deployment. Some apps can be easily moved to managed container platforms, but they require changes before they are ready for containerization. The Atos cloud factory migration approach helps customers adopt modernization along with migration rather than do it in a two-step process which starts with lift and shift and ends with modernization. Atos is an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner with the Migration Competency.


How TalaTek Uses Amazon CloudWatch for Security Information and Event Management

Learn how TalaTek uses Amazon CloudWatch as an alternative to traditional SIEM solutions with the same functionality. CloudWatch gives TalaTek system-wide visibility, allowing them to monitor their AWS-based SaaS solution, the TalaTek Intelligent Governance and Risk Integrated Solution (TiGRIS). CloudWatch helps TalaTek keep TiGRIS running efficiently while allowing us to meet FedRAMP logging requirements.


How Tech Mahindra Built a Self-Service Patch Management Process Using AWS Native Services

Patch management is a continuous cybersecurity process that includes identifying, reporting, and fixing the system vulnerabilities. An operating system’s patches are part of essential preventative maintenance, necessary to keep machines up-to-date, stable, and safe from malware and other threats. Learn how Tech Mahindra‘s automated patching solution helps and ensures every server on the infrastructure system’s network is up-to-date by patching quickly and efficiently.


Capgemini’s Trusted Logistics and Drug Counterfeit Solution for the Pharma Industry

The traditional supply chain has a lot of inefficiencies and bottlenecks that can lead to losses and pilferage. Explore an architectural reference from Capgemini for an AWS solution called Trusted Logistics that can help solve these problems in the pharmaceutical industry. Trusted Logistics can be applied to multiple sectors like manufacturing, retail, consumer product, logistics, life sciences, and more. A decentralized ledger is accessible to all participants and transaction records become immutable once entered.


Building Serverless Event-Driven Applications with MongoDB Realm and Amazon EventBridge

Businesses are faced with ever-increasing complexity of the systems they need to run in order to stay agile and competitive. The complexity can develop over time as new systems are integrated but old ones are not retired sufficiently fast. It can also develop intentionally, such as when a monolith is decomposed into microservices. In this post, learn how to build modern, event-driven serverless applications and how MongoDB Atlas and Realm products complement serverless architectures.


How to Get Logs from Amazon S3 Using Filebeat and Metricbeat in Elastic Stack

When you use Amazon S3 to store corporate data and host websites, you need additional logging to monitor access to your data and the performance of your applications. An effective logging solution enhances security and improves detection of security incidents. Learn how to use the Elastic Beats to extract logs stored in S3 buckets that can be indexed, analyzed, and visualized with the Elastic Stack. Elastic is an AWS ISV Partner that helps you find information, gain insights, and protect your data when you run on AWS.