AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: AWS CloudFormation


How to Centralize SSH Key Management with Userify and AWS CloudFormation

As teams begin to build their architecture on AWS, the question often arises about how to manage access control to all of their instances. Userify solves this problem quickly and easily by providing Userify Cloud or, for self-hosting, a single instance or multi-Availability Zone cluster that runs in your Amazon VPC. Userify Cloud is a fully managed service that can be used across your VPCs and AWS accounts with no installation needed.

AWS Quick Starts

Deploy Jupiter on AWS with New Quick Start from APN Premier Partner Cognizant

This new AWS Quick Start deploys Jupiter on AWS in about one hour. Jupiter is Cognizant’s continuous data testing accelerator and a component of Cognizant’s Adaptive Data Foundation offering. Jupiter enables data test automation and quality engineering at scale by aligning to a DevOps delivery mode. The Jupiter on AWS Quick Start automates the design, setup, and configuration of hardware and software to implement continuous data testing in less time than with traditional approaches.

AWS Service Delivery-1

Validation Checklists Clarify Requirements for the AWS Service Delivery Program

As part of the onboarding process when joining the AWS Service Delivery Program, APN Partners must go through a technical audit of their experience delivering AWS services to end customers. This audit is conducted by internal technical experts who validate the APN Partner’s knowledge and capabilities for a specific AWS service. To help APN Partners better understand this process, we are introducing Validation Checklists that provide visibility into the criteria we use during an organization’s technical validation.

AWS Quick Starts

Deploy TIBCO BusinessWorks Container Edition with New AWS Quick Start

This new AWS Quick Start automatically deploys TIBCO BusinessWorks Container Edition into a highly available architecture on AWS, using Amazon ECS host instances and an Amazon ECR repository for plug-ins. The deployment is automated by AWS CloudFormation templates and takes about 25 minutes. The Quick Start was built by TIBCO Software in collaboration with AWS solutions architects. TIBCO is an APN Advanced Technology Partner with the AWS Big Data Competency.

AWS Quick Starts

Updated Red Hat OpenShift on AWS Quick Start with AWS Service Broker

A new update for the Red Hat OpenShift on AWS Quick Start improves usability by simplifying the management of certificates and domain names, and provides customers with the ability to scale workloads. Users can also enable AWS Service Broker via a parameter input during stack launch. AWS Service Broker is a new open source project directly integrated into OpenShift, allowing you to deploy AWS services without leaving the application platform. Red Hat is an APN Advanced Technology Partner.


Migrating a Mainframe to AWS in 5 Steps with Astadia

When carefully planned, managed, and executed, the rewards of moving Mainframe workloads to AWS are numerous. Besides the cost savings of the pay-as-you-go model, once your Mainframe application set has been fully deployed on AWS, you will have the freedom to integrate proven business logic with modern technologies for data analytics or mobile enablement. With that in mind, migrating Mainframe applications to the cloud seems more like a necessity than a luxury.


Testing AWS GameDay with the AWS Well-Architected Framework – Continued Remediation

This is the third post in our series documenting a project to fix issues with the AWS GameDay architecture by using tenets of the AWS Well-Architected Framework. In Part 2, we remediated the critical findings found in our initial review and here we’ll cover remediating the deficiencies found in our Disaster Recovery plan, as well as other optimizations we’ve made due to recent announcements. We will also discuss how to address another crucial component in our application development—testing.


Deploying a Data Lake in Minutes with Cloudwick’s Data Lake Foundation on AWS

To gain the insights needed to fuel business growth, organizations need to collect more data and do more with it. That’s where a data lake can help—it’s a repository that holds a large amount of raw data in its native (structured or unstructured) format until that data is needed, enabling you to accommodate virtually any use case. Check out Cloudwick’s Data Lake Foundation on AWS Quick Start, and then drill down a bit deeper into the workings and value of the data catalog.


Testing AWS GameDay with AWS Well-Architected Framework – Remediation

This is the second post in our series documenting a project to fix issues with the GameDay architecture by using tenets of the AWS Well-Architected Framework. We cover the steps it took to fix the critical findings identified by the review team. As noted in Part 1 of the series, the review team delivered a list of critical findings we needed to prioritize, as well as a list of non-critical ideas that we should consider in our roadmap.

How to Create an Approval Flow for an AWS Service Catalog Product Launch Using AWS Lambda

AWS Service Catalog allows organizations to centrally manage commonly deployed IT services, achieve consistent governance, and help meet compliance requirements. AWS Service Catalog provides a standardized landscape for product provisioning. Users browse listings of products (services or applications) that they have access to, locate the product that they want to use, and launch it on […]