AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: AWS Cost and Usage Report

Reducing the Cost of Managing Multiple AWS Accounts Using AWS Control Tower

As larger and more complex workloads are deployed on AWS, multi-account solutions are an increasingly common architectural blueprint. Often referred to as cloud “landing zones,” these blueprints enable simple administrative boundaries. However, using multiple accounts increases the complexity of security tooling, access control and authorization, and cross-account networking. AWS Control Tower simplifies the process of setting up multi-account environments with predefined security baseline templates.


In-Depth Strategies from Infosys to Help Customers Re-Platform Mainframes on AWS

Re-platforming is a popular mainframe modernization approach because it’s flexible and transparent to the user. Learn about the phased migration approach Infosys uses for re-platforming mainframe applications. We’ll provide an overview of each step and the corresponding Infosys tools and accelerators we use to ensure successful mainframe migrations, including Micro Focus Enterprise Server (MF-ES).


Improving Dataset Query Time and Maintaining Flexibility with Amazon Athena and Amazon Redshift

Analyzing large datasets can be challenging, especially if you aren’t thinking about certain characteristics of the data and what you’re ultimately looking to achieve. There are a number of factors organizations need to consider in order to build systems that are flexible, affordable, and fast. Here, experts from CloudZero walk through how to use AWS services to analyze customer billing data and provide value to end users.

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How to Optimize Your AWS Workload Cost with Capgemini and Virtana

If your organization suddenly had a quarter-million dollars freed up in your engineering budget without having to sacrifice on performance, what would you do with it? For a vacation-experience customer at Capgemini, the decision was easy—reinvest in the roll-out of new applications. It took just 10 days for the customer to realize 30 percent savings on overlooked AWS assets, resulting in an overall 10 percent optimization in AWS cost.

Financial Services

Back-to-Basics Guide for Consolidating AWS Accounts to Manage Costs at Scale

With AWS, you access to an unprecedented breadth of product functionality that can enable your business in new and exciting ways. APN Partners have the unique challenge of not only enabling their customers to grow their businesses, but also managing accounts, resources, and costs at scale. When it comes to costs, AWS provides a number of products out of the box that can help customers get started managing costs and usage. This includes AWS Cost Explorer, AWS Budgets, and the AWS Cost & Usage Reports.