AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: SQL Server

AWS Service Ready-ol

AWS Service Ready Helps Customers Find Tools and Products Integrated with Amazon RDS

The Amazon RDS Ready Program makes it easy for AWS customers to find products and solutions that integrate with Amazon RDS database engines including Amazon Aurora, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle Database, and SQL Server. Amazon RDS Ready Partners provide tooling for Amazon RDS adoption in areas like migration, performance, governance, and monitoring. They also support the use of the Amazon RDS platform as a back-end for applications deployed within a customer’s AWS account.


Join AWS Experts for a Virtual Series on Running Microsoft Workloads on AWS

To help APN Partners learn about running Microsoft workloads on AWS, we have designed a new series of Microsoft-focused virtual events. Each event consists of presentations and hands-on labs, executed in a small group setting of up to 15 attendees per session, and a maximum length of three hours. The sessions will enable you to build high-quality solutions, implement AWS best practices, and help customers run Microsoft workloads on the AWS.


Microsoft SQL Standard Clustering Across AWS Availability Zones with Zadara Storage as a Service

With Zadara offering Storage-as-a-Service across Availability Zones, the platform’s centralized storage services release the ability to connect multiple Microsoft (MSSQL) servers in a standard Windows Server Failover Cluster model to a single set of shared storage volumes. This removes the need for MSSQL Enterprise Edition licensing and the doubling up of Amazon EBS disk for Amazon EC2 instances. In this post, explore the use of high availability MSSQL Standard Clustering on AWS with Zadara.


Using the Heimdall Proxy to Split Reads and Writes for Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS

Horizontally scaling a SQL database involves separating the write-master from read-only servers. This allows the write server to perform dedicated write operations rather than processing redundant read queries. However, writing to one node and reading from another can result in inconsistent data due to synchronization delays. Heimdall Data offers a database proxy to help developers and architects achieve optimal scale from their Amazon RDS and Amazon Aurora environment without any application changes.

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How Heimdall’s Database Proxy Improves Website Response Times with No Code Changes

Questis, a configurable technology platform for financial intermediaries, realized their backend infrastructure required additional development to improve performance, provide high-availability, and rapidly scale to meet the needs of Questis customers accessing the platform. Learn why they chose to team up with Heimdall Data, an AWS Competency Partner that offers a transparent database proxy and gives developers SQL visibility and control to improve backend performance and scalability.