AWS Cloud Financial Management

Category: AWS Cost and Usage Report

Take a sneak peek at AWS re:Invent 2020 Cloud Financial Management Sessions

What do you miss most about re:Invent? For those of you who haven’t been to one yet, re:Invent is a conference hosted by AWS for the global cloud computing community. Each year tens of thousands of customers and partners from around the globe gather in Las Vegas for a week of “jam packed” launch announcement, education, networking, and most importantly fun activities.

Launch: AWS Marketplace Vendor Metered Tagging

Customers want to view all AWS related costs via one single pane of glass, whether it be AWS service charges, or third party tools and software licenses purchased through AWS Marketplace. Read this blog “Monitoring your AWS Marketplace Costs and Usage” to learn how you can use AWS Cost Management tools to monitor your software […]

Cost Control Blog Series #1: Good intentions don’t work, but cost control mechanisms do!

Gartner estimates a 70% overspend on cloud resources by organizations who do not have a defined plan for cloud cost management. While cloud brings lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), an effective billing management and cost control mechanism is required to make sure you only pay for what you need, and it also empowers your […]

Cost Allocation Blog Series #5: Building an AWS cost allocation strategy with Apptio Cloudability

As you establish and implement your cost allocation model, AWS equips you with tools and resources to organize accounts and resources (e.g. AWS Organizations), improve visibility into detailed cost and usage data (e.g. AWS Cost and Usage Reports), and group cost and usage information into meaningful groups by your own rule (e.g. AWS Cost Categories).  For customers who want to understand what premium 3rd party solutions are available to help you better organize and report your cost in preparation for chargeback or showback in your organizations, AWS Partner Network has verified partners that can offer cloud management solutions to help customers manage and optimize AWS environments.   In this blog post, we will share how you can leverage Apptio Cloudability to build your cost allocation strategy.

Cost Allocation Blog Series #4: Visualize Data Transfer Costs with Cost and Usage Reports, Athena, and QuickSight

The right level of visibility into the shared costs allows organizations to understand the main drivers for these costs and provides insights into cost optimization opportunities. In this blog post, we will share tips on how you can visualize data transfer cost details available in AWS Cost and Usage Reports (AWS CUR) for analysis using Amazon Athena and Amazon QuickSight. 

Cost Allocation Blog Series #1: Cost Allocation Basics That You Need to Know

If it’s Everyone’s job, it’s No One’s job. On our team, we take this lesson to heart and always make sure there is a clear owner for everything we do.  This helps ensure everyone is responsible for specific tasks or goals, and will not be bystanders, assuming someone else will pick up the work. The […]

Update: Elastic Load Balancing Code Change

Update: Elastic Load Balancing Code Change

Elastic Load Balancing is a service that automatically distributes incoming application traffic across multiple targets, such as Amazon EC2 instances, containers, IP addresses, and Lambda functions.  It helps customers achieve fault tolerance for any application by ensuring scalability, performance, and security. Starting August 1, Elastic Load Balancing cost and usage information will start showing up […]

Cloud Financial Management services available in China

Launch: Cloud Financial Management services available in China

We are pleased to announce the AWS Cost Management suite of products is now available in AWS China (Ningxia) Region, operated by NWCD, and in AWS China (Beijing) Region, operated by Sinnet.  The services and features include AWS Cost Explorer, AWS Budgets, AWS Cost and Usage Report (CUR), Reserved Instances Recommendation and Reporting, and EC2 […]

How to build a chargeback/showback model for Savings Plans using the CUR

This blog is contributed by Shankar Ramachandran, Solutions Architect, Optimization Enterprise customers who leverage consolidated billing on AWS often have the need to do internal cost allocation. This can be challenging, particularly when using pricing models such as Savings Plans. In this blog post, we will provide prescriptive guidance on how to build an equitable […]

Customer Obsession: AWS Cost & Usage Report Technical Documentation

AWS is unlike any other place I’ve ever worked. I’m not just saying this just because my 10-month-old Samoyed puppy is snoozing at my feet as I write this from my daily 20th floor downtown Seattle perch or because an engineer just stopped by with a spare General Porpoise donut for me that survived standup […]