AWS News Blog

Category: Compute

AWS GovCloud (US) Update – Glacier, VM Import, CloudTrail, and More

I am pleased to be able to announce a set of updates and additions to AWS GovCloud (US). We are making a number of new services available including Amazon Glacier, AWS CloudTrail, and VM Import. We are also enhancing the AWS Management Console with support for Auto Scaling and the Service Limits Report. As you […]

Rapid Auto Scaling with Amazon SQS

Earlier this month an AWS user named Andy emailed the following question to me: We’re interested in using the number of items in our sqs queue as criteria for autoscaling our ec2 workers. The 5 minute delay is really way too long for this application, it would have to keep track of the queue in […]

Resource Groups and Tagging for AWS

For many years, AWS customers have used tags to organize their EC2 resources (instances, images, load balancers, security groups, and so forth), RDS resources (DB instances, option groups, and more), VPC resources (gateways, option sets, network ACLS, subnets, and the like) Route 53 health checks, and S3 buckets. Tags are used to label, collect, and […]

EC2 Container Service In Action

We announced the Amazon Amazon EC2 Container Service at AWS re:Invent and invited you to join the preview. Since that time, we’ve seen a lot of interest and a correspondingly high signup rate for the preview. With the year winding down, I thought it would be fun to spend a morning putting the service through […]

AWS Data Transfer Price Reduction

I am happy to announce that we are reducing the rates for several types of AWS data transfers, effective December 1, 2014, as follows: Outbound Data Transfer – Pricing for data transfer from AWS to the Internet is now 6% to 43% lower, depending on the Region and the amount of data transferred per month. […]