AWS News Blog

Category: Announcements

Amazon EC2 Trn1 Instance

Amazon EC2 Trn1 Instances for High-Performance Model Training are Now Available

Update April 13, 2023 — Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Trn1n instances, powered by AWS Trainium, are now generally available. Amazon EC2 Trn1n instances double the network bandwidth (compared to Trn1 instances) to 1600 Gbps of Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) to deliver even higher performance for training network-intensive generative artificial intelligence (AI) models, such as large […]

AWS Week in Review – October 10, 2022

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS! I had an amazing start to the week last week as I was speaking at the AWS Community Day NL. This event had 500 attendees and over 70 speakers, and […]

Announcing General Availability of Amazon Connect Cases

In June 2022 AWS announced a preview of Amazon Connect Cases, a feature of Amazon Connect that simplifies these customer interactions and reduces the average handle times of issues. Today I am excited to announce the general availability of Amazon Connect Cases. Cases, a feature of Amazon Connect, makes it easy for your contact center […]

AWS Week in Review – October 3, 2022

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS! A new week and a new month just started. Curious which were the most significant AWS news from the previous seven days? I got you covered with this post. Last […]

New Hands-On Course for Business Analysts – Practical Decision Making using No-Code ML on AWS

Artificial intelligence (AI) is all around us. AI sends certain emails to our spam folders. It powers autocorrect, which helps us fix typos when we text. And now we can use it to solve business problems. In business, data-driven insights have become increasingly valuable. These insights are often discovered with the help of machine learning […]

Amazon File Cache – A High Performance Cache On AWS For Your On-Premises File Systems

I am pleased to announce today the availability of Amazon File Cache, a new high-speed cache service on AWS designed for processing file data stored in disparate locations—including on premises. File Cache accelerates and simplifies your most demanding cloud bursting and hybrid workflows by giving your applications access to files using a fast and familiar […]

Amazon WorkSpaces Introduces Ubuntu Desktops

At AWS, we love to give our customers choices: the choice of infrastructure to deploy your workloads, to store your most important data, or the operating systems for your virtual desktops. Many of you choose Amazon Workspaces to provision and distribute virtual desktops securely and at scale to your workforce. Our customers choose Workspaces when […]