AWS Big Data Blog

Perform Amazon Kinesis load testing with Locust

February 9, 2024: Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose has been renamed to Amazon Data Firehose. Read the AWS What’s New post to learn more.

Building a streaming data solution requires thorough testing at the scale it will operate in a production environment. Streaming applications operating at scale often handle large volumes of up to GBs per second, and it’s challenging for developers to simulate high-traffic Amazon Kinesis-based applications to generate such load easily.

Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose are capable of capturing and storing terabytes of data per hour from numerous sources. Creating Kinesis data streams or Firehose delivery streams is straightforward through the AWS Management Console, AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), or Kinesis API. However, generating a continuous stream of test data requires a custom process or script to run continuously. Although the Amazon Kinesis Data Generator (KDG) provides a user-friendly UI for this purpose, it has some limitations, such as bandwidth constraints and increased round trip latency. (For more information on the KDG, refer to Test Your Streaming Data Solution with the New Amazon Kinesis Data Generator.)

To overcome these limitations, this post describes how to use Locust, a modern load testing framework, to conduct large-scale load testing for a more comprehensive evaluation of the streaming data solution.


This project emits temperature sensor readings via Locust to Kinesis. We set up the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) Locust instance via the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) to load test Kinesis-based applications. You can access the Locust dashboard to perform and observe the load test and connect via Session Manager, a capability of AWS Systems Manager, for configuration changes. The following diagram illustrates this architecture.

Architecture overview

In our testing with the largest recommended instance (c7g.16xlarge), the setup was capable of emitting over 1 million events per second to Kinesis data streams in on-demand capacity mode, with a batch size (simulated users per Locust user) of 500. You can find more details on what this means and how to configure the load test later in this post.

Locust overview

Locust is an open-source, scriptable, and scalable performance testing tool that allows you to define user behavior using Python code. It offers an easy-to-use interface, making it developer-friendly and highly expandable. With its distributed and scalable design, Locust can simulate millions of simultaneous users to mimic real user behavior during a performance test.

Each Locust user represents a scenario or a specific set of actions that a real user might perform on your system. When you run a performance test with Locust, you can specify the number of concurrent Locust users you want to simulate, and Locust will create an instance for each user, allowing you to assess the performance and behavior of your system under different user loads.

For more information on Locust, refer to the Locust documentation.


To get started, clone or download the code from the GitHub repository.

Test locally

To test Locust out locally first before deploying it to the cloud, you have to install the necessary Python dependencies. If you’re new to Python, refer the README for more information on getting started.

Navigate to the load-test directory and run the following code:

pip install -r requirements.txt

To send events to a Kinesis data stream from your local machine, you will need to have AWS credentials. For more information, refer to Configuration and credential file settings.

To perform the test locally, stay in the load-test directory and run the following code:

locust -f

You can now access the Locust dashboard via Enter the number of Locust users, the spawn rate (users added per second), and the target Amazon Kinesis data stream name for Host. By default, it deploys the Kinesis data stream DemoStream that you can use for testing.

Locust Dashboard - Enter details

To see the generated events logged, run the following command, which filters only Locust and root logs (for example, no Botocore logs):

locust -f --loglevel DEBUG 2>&1 | grep -E "(locust|root)"

Set up resources with the AWS CDK

The GitHub repository contains the AWS CDK code to create all the necessary resources for the load test. This removes opportunities for manual error, increases efficiency, and ensures consistent configurations over time. To deploy the resources, complete the following steps:

  1. If not already downloaded, clone the GitHub repository to your local computer using the following command:
git clone
  1. Download and install the latest Node.js.
  2. Navigate to the root folder of the project and run the following command to install the latest version of AWS CDK:
npm install -g aws-cdk
  1. Install the necessary dependencies:
npm install
  1. Run cdk bootstrap to initialize the AWS CDK environment in your AWS account. Replace your AWS account ID and Region before running the following command:
cdk bootstrap

To learn more about the bootstrapping process, refer to Bootstrapping.

  1. After the dependencies are installed, you can run the following command to deploy the stack of the AWS CDK template, which sets up the infrastructure within 5 minutes:
cdk deploy

The template sets up the Locust EC2 test instance, which is by default a c7g.xlarge instance, which at the time of publishing costs approximately $0.145 per hour in us-east-1. To find the most accurate pricing information, see Amazon EC2 On-Demand Pricing. You can find more details on how to change your instance size according to your scale of load testing later in this post.

It’s crucial to consider that the expenses incurred during load testing are not solely attributed to EC2 instance costs, but also heavily influenced by data transfer costs.

Accessing the Locust dashboard

You can access the dashboard by using the AWS CDK output KinesisLocustLoadTestingStack.locustdashboardurl to open the dashboard, for example

The Locust dashboard is password protected. By default, it’s set to user name locust-user and password locust-dashboard-pwd.

With the default configuration, you can achieve up to 15,000 emitted events per second. Enter the number of Locust users (times the batch size), the spawn rate (users added per second), and the target Kinesis data stream name for Host.

Locust Dashboard - Enter details

After you have started the load test, you can look at the load test on the Charts tab.

Locust Dashboard - Charts

You can also monitor the load test on the Kinesis Data Streams console by navigating to the stream that you are load testing. If you used the default settings, navigate to DemoStream. On the detail page, choose the Monitoring tab to see the ingested load.

Kinesis Data Streams - Monitoring

Adapt workloads

By default, this project generates random temperature sensor readings for every sensor with the following format:

    "sensorId": "bfbae19c-2f0f-41c2-952b-5d5bc6e001f1_1",
    "temperature": 147.24,
    "status": "OK",
    "timestamp": 1675686126310

The project comes packaged with Faker, which you can use to adapt the payload to your needs. You just have to update the generate_sensor_reading function in the file:

class SensorAPIUser(KinesisBotoUser):
    # ...

    def generate_sensor_reading(self, sensor_id, sensor_reading):
        current_temperature = round(10 + random.random() * 170, 2)

        if current_temperature > 160:
            status = "ERROR"
        elif current_temperature > 140 or random.randrange(1, 100) > 80:
            status = random.choice(["WARNING", "ERROR"])
            status = "OK"

        return {
            'sensorId': f"{sensor_id}_{sensor_reading}",
            'temperature': current_temperature,
            'status': status,
            'timestamp': round(time.time()*1000)

    # ...

Change configurations

After the initial deployment of the load testing tool, you can change configuration in two ways:

  1. Connect to the EC2 instance, make any configuration and code changes, and restart the Locust process
  2. Change the configuration and load testing code locally and redeploy it via cdk deploy

The first option helps you iterate more quickly on the remote instance without a need to redeploy. The latter uses the infrastructure as code (IaC) approach and makes sure that your configuration changes can be committed to your source control system. For a fast development cycle, it’s recommended to test your load test configuration locally first, connect to your instance to apply the changes, and after successful implementation, codify it as part of your IaC repository and then redeploy.

Locust is created on the EC2 instance as a systemd service and can therefore be controlled with systemctl. If you want to change the configuration of Locust as needed without redeploying the stack, you can connect to the instance via Systems Manager, navigate to the project directory on /usr/local/load-test, change the locust.env file, and restart the service by running sudo systemctl restart locust.

Large-scale load testing

This setup is capable of emitting over 1 million events per second to Kinesis data stream, with a batch size of 500 and 64 secondaries on a c7g.16xlarge.

To achieve peak performance with Locust and Kinesis, keep the following in mind:

  • Instance size – Your performance is bound by the underlying EC2 instance, so refer to EC2 instance type for more information about scaling. To set the correct instance size, you can configure the instance size in the file kinesis-locust-load-testing.ts.
  • Number of secondaries – Locust benefits from a distributed setup. Therefore, the setup spins up a primary, which does the coordination, and multiple secondaries, which do the actual work. To fully take advantage of the cores, you should specify one secondary per core. You can configure the number in the locust.env file.
  • Batch size – The amount of Kinesis data stream events you can send per Locust user is limited due to the resource overhead of switching Locust users and threads. To overcome this, you can configure a batch size to define how much users are simulated per Locust user. These are sent as a Kinesis data stream put_records call. You can configure the number in the locust.env file.

This setup is capable of emitting over 1 million events per second to the Kinesis data stream, with a batch size of 500 and 64 secondaries on a c7g.16xlarge instance.

Locust Dashboard - Large Scale Load Test Charts

You can observe this on the Monitoring tab for the Kinesis data stream as well.

Kinesis Data Stream - Large Scale Load Test Monitoring

Clean up

In order to not incur any unnecessary costs, delete the stack by running the following code:

cdk destroy


Kinesis is already popular for its ease of use among users building streaming applications. With this load testing capability using Locust, you can now test your workloads in a more straightforward and faster way. Visit the GitHub repo to embark on your testing journey.

The project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license, providing the freedom to clone and modify it according to your needs. Furthermore, you can contribute to the project by submitting issues or pull requests via GitHub, fostering collaboration and improvement in the testing ecosystem.

About the author

Luis Morales works as Senior Solutions Architect with digital native businesses to support them in constantly reinventing themselves in the cloud. He is passionate about software engineering, cloud-native distributed systems, test-driven development, and all things code and security