AWS Compute Blog

Category: Application Integration

ICYMI Q4 calendar

ICYMI: Serverless Q4 2020

Welcome to the 12th edition of the AWS Serverless ICYMI (in case you missed it) quarterly recap. Every quarter, we share all of the most recent product launches, feature enhancements, blog posts, webinars, Twitch live streams, and other interesting things that you might have missed! In case you missed our last ICYMI, check out what […]

Optimizing AWS Lambda cost and performance using AWS Compute Optimizer

This post is authored by Brooke Chen, Senior Product Manager for AWS Compute Optimizer, Letian Feng, Principal Product Manager for AWS Compute Optimizer, and Chad Schmutzer, Principal Developer Advocate for Amazon EC2 Optimizing compute resources is a critical component of any application architecture. Over-provisioning compute can lead to unnecessary infrastructure costs, while under-provisioning compute can […]

MongoDB clusters UI

Ingesting MongoDB Atlas data using Amazon EventBridge

This post demonstrates how to connect MongoDB Atlas data with the AWS Cloud using Amazon EventBridge. EventBridge helps you connect data from a range of SaaS applications using minimal code. It can help reduce operational overhead and build powerful event-driven architectures more easily. For more information about integrating data between SaaS applications, see Amazon EventBridge.

AWS re:Invent 2020

ICYMI: Serverless pre:Invent 2020

During the last few weeks, the AWS serverless team has been releasing a wave of new features in the build-up to AWS re:Invent 2020. This post recaps some of the most important releases for serverless developers. re:Invent is virtual and free to all attendees in 2020 – register here. See the complete list of serverless […]

Walkthrough architecture

Simplifying cross-account access with Amazon EventBridge resource policies

This post shows you how to use the new features Amazon EventBridge resource policies that make it easier to build applications that work across accounts.  Resource policies provide you with a powerful mechanism for modeling your event buses across multiple accounts, and give you fine-grained control over EventBridge API invocations.

Building Serverless Land: Part 1 – Automating content aggregation

In this two part blog series, I show how is built. This is a static website that brings together all the latest blogs, videos, and training for AWS Serverless. It automatically aggregates content from a number of sources. The content exists in static JSON files, which generate a new site build each time they […]

Optimizing costs with the AWS Lambda Power Tuning tool

Optimizing the cost of serverless web applications

Web application backends are one of the most popular workload types for serverless applications. The pay-per-value model works well for this type of workload. As traffic grows, it’s important to consider the design choices and service configurations used to optimize your cost.

DLQ configured per target

Improved failure recovery for Amazon EventBridge

Today we’re announcing two new capabilities for Amazon EventBridge – dead letter queues and custom retry policies. Both of these give you greater flexibility in how to handle any failures in the processing of events with EventBridge. You can easily enable them on a per target basis and configure them uniquely for each. Dead letter […]