AWS Compute Blog

Edit workflow

Building a serverless image catalog with AWS Step Functions Workflow Studio

This blog post demonstrates how to implement a serverless image cataloging pipeline using Step Functions Workflow Studio. By orchestrating AWS API actions and flow states via drag and drop, you can process user-generated images. This example checks images for appropriateness and generates tags based on their content without custom application code.

Architecture after migrating

Migrating a monolithic .NET REST API to AWS Lambda

This blog post shows the required considerations for migrating a .NET Core REST API to AWS Lambda. You can now start to look at your existing code base and make an informed decision whether Lambda is for you. With the right abstractions and configuration, you can migrate a .NET Core API to Lambda compute with copy and paste.

Building TypeScript projects with AWS SAM CLI

This post written by Dan Fox, Principal Specialist Solutions Architect and Roman Boiko, Senior Specialist Solutions Architect The AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) CLI provides developers with a local tool for managing serverless applications on AWS. This command line tool allows developers to initialize and configure applications, build and test locally, and deploy to […]

Concept of defining computing quotas

Creating computing quotas on AWS Outposts rack with EC2 Capacity Reservations sharing

This post is written by Yi-Kang Wang, Senior Hybrid Specialist SA. AWS Outposts rack is a fully managed service that delivers the same AWS infrastructure, AWS services, APIs, and tools to virtually any on-premises datacenter or co-location space for a truly consistent hybrid experience. AWS Outposts rack is ideal for workloads that require low latency […]

EC2 instance block device mapping

How to mount Linux volume and keep mount point consistency

This post is written by: Leonardo Azize Martins, Cloud Infrastructure Architect, Professional Services Customers often use Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) Linux based instances with many Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes attached. In this case, device name can vary depending on some facts, such as virtualization type, instance type, or operating system. […]