AWS Compute Blog

Tag: Amazon EC2

Architecture overview - Lambda functions on AWS Outposts

Running AWS Lambda functions on AWS Outposts using AWS IoT Greengrass

This blog post is written by Adam Imeson, Sr. Hybrid Edge Specialist Solution Architect. Today, AWS customers can deploy serverless applications in AWS Regions using a variety of AWS services. Customers can also use AWS Outposts to deploy fully managed AWS infrastructure at virtually any datacenter, colocation space, or on-premises facility. AWS Outposts extends the […]

System architecture of the amazon ec2 dl1 instances.

Amazon EC2 DL1 instances Deep Dive

This post is written by Amr Ragab, Principal Solutions Architect, Amazon EC2. AWS is excited to announce that the new Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) DL1 instances are now generally available in US-East (N. Virginia) and US-West (Oregon). DL1 provides up to 40% better price performance for training deep learning models as compared to […]

Automate the Creation of On-Demand Capacity Reservations for running EC2 instances

This post is written by Ballu Singh a Principal Solutions Architect at AWS, Neha Joshi a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS, and Naveen Jagathesan a Technical Account Manager at AWS. Customers have asked how they can “create On-Demand Capacity Reservations (ODCRs) for their existing instances during events, such as the holiday season, Black Friday, marketing […]

Efficiently Scaling kOps clusters with Amazon EC2 Spot Instances

This post is written by Carlos Manzanedo Rueda, WW SA Leader for EC2 Spot, and Brandon Wagner, Senior Software Development Engineer for EC2. This post focuses on how you can leverage recently released tools to optimize your usage of Amazon EC2 Spot Instances on Kubernetes Operations (kOps) clusters. Spot Instances let you utilize unused capacity […]

Deep dive into NitroTPM and UEFI Secure Boot support in Amazon EC2

Contributed by Samartha Chandrashekar, Principal Product Manager Amazon EC2 At re:Invent 2021, we announced NitroTPM, a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 2.0 and Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) Secure Boot support in Amazon EC2. In this blog post, we’ll share additional details on how these capabilities can help further raise the security bar of EC2 deployments. […]

Example flow of License Manager, AWS Auto Scaling, and EC2 Instances and their relationship to each other.

Implementing Auto Scaling for EC2 Mac Instances

This post is written by: Josh Bonello, Senior DevOps Architect, AWS Professional Services; Wes Fabella, Senior DevOps Architect, AWS Professional Services Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is a web service that provides secure, resizable compute capacity in the cloud. The introduction of Amazon EC2 Mac now enables macOS based workloads to run in the AWS Cloud. […]

Graviton Challenge

Announcing winners of the AWS Graviton Challenge Contest and Hackathon

At AWS, we are constantly innovating on behalf of our customers so they can run virtually any workload, with optimal price and performance. Amazon EC2 now includes more than 475 instance types that offer a choice of compute, memory, networking, and storage to suit your workload needs. While we work closely with our silicon partners […]

Using EC2 Auto Scaling predictive scaling policies with Blue/Green deployments

This post is written by Ankur Sethi, Product Manager for EC2. Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling allows customers to realize the elasticity benefits of AWS by automatically launching and shutting down instances to match application demand. Earlier this year we introduced predictive scaling, a new EC2 Auto Scaling policy that predicts demand and proactively scales capacity, resulting […]

AWS Fault Injection Simulator start screen in AWS Management Console

Implementing interruption tolerance in Amazon EC2 Spot with AWS Fault Injection Simulator

This post is written by Steve Cole, WW SA Leader for EC2 Spot, and David Bermeo, Senior Product Manager for EC2. On October 20, 2021, AWS released new functionality to the Amazon Fault Injection Simulator that supports triggering the interruption of Amazon EC2 Spot Instances. This functionality lets you test the fault tolerance of your […]

Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling will no longer add support for new EC2 features to Launch Configurations

This post is written by Scott Horsfield, Principal Solutions Architect, EC2 Scalability and Surabhi Agarwal, Sr. Product Manager, EC2. In 2010, AWS released launch configurations as a way to define the parameters of instances launched by EC2 Auto Scaling groups. In 2017, AWS released launch templates, the successor of launch configurations, as a way to streamline […]