AWS Compute Blog

Tag: contributed

Authenticating and authorizing Amazon MQ users with Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

This post is written by Dominic Gagné and Mithun Mallick. Amazon MQ is a managed message broker service for Apache ActiveMQ and RabbitMQ that simplifies setting up and operating message brokers in the AWS Cloud. Integrating an Amazon MQ broker with a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server allows you to manage credentials and permissions for […]

Understanding VPC links in Amazon API Gateway private integrations

This post is written by Jose Eduardo Montilla Lugo, Security Consultant, AWS. A VPC link is a resource in Amazon API Gateway that allows for connecting API routes to private resources inside a VPC. A VPC link acts like any other integration endpoint for an API and is an abstraction layer on top of other […]

Integrating Amazon API Gateway private endpoints with on-premises networks

This post was written by Ahmed ElHaw, Sr. Solutions Architect Using AWS Direct Connect or AWS Site-to-Site VPN, customers can establish a private virtual interface from their on-premises network directly to their Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). Hybrid networking enables customers to benefit from the scalability, elasticity, and ease of use of AWS services while […]

Using serverless to load test Amazon API Gateway with authorization

This post was written by Ashish Mehra, Sr. Solutions Architect and Ramesh Chidirala, Solutions Architect Many customers design their applications to use Amazon API Gateway as the front door and load test their API endpoints before deploying to production. Customers want to simulate the actual usage scenario, including authentication and authorization. The load test ensures […]

Implementing a LIFO task queue using AWS Lambda and Amazon DynamoDB

This post was written by Diggory Briercliffe, Senior IoT Architect. When implementing a task queue, you can use Amazon SQS standard or FIFO (First-In-First-Out) queue types. Both queue types give priority to tasks created earlier over tasks that are created later. However, there are use cases where you need a LIFO (Last-In-First-Out) queue. This post […]