
Category: Amazon Elastic Container Service

Read our blog post about stretching your on-premises environment to AWS using Amazon ECS Anywhere.

Stretching your on-premises environment to AWS using Amazon ECS Anywhere

Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) allows customers to run container workloads in AWS on AWS-managed infrastructure as well as on customer-managed infrastructure using Amazon ECS Anywhere. Whether on premises or in the cloud, customers have a consistent cluster management, workload scheduling, and monitoring experience with Amazon ECS. Amazon ECS Anywhere lets you have a […]

Read the blog post about migrating and modernizing Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) workloads onto AWS container services.

Migrating and modernizing Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) workloads onto AWS container services

Introduction Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is a framework created by Microsoft in 2008 for building service-oriented architecture (SOA) applications. It provides a set of libraries for building web services, using different network protocols to send and receive data between service endpoints. With the introduction of .NET Core in 2016 and the emergence of microservices, our […]

title: Understanding data transfer costs for AWS container services

Understanding data transfer costs for AWS container services

Overview Data transfer costs can play a significant role in determining the overall design of a system. The Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR), Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) can all incur data transfer charges depending on a variety of factors. It can be difficult to visualize what […]

title image: Announcing NVIDIA GPU support for Bottlerocket on Amazon ECS

Announcing NVIDIA GPU support for Bottlerocket on Amazon ECS

Last year, we announced the general availability of the Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS)-optimized Bottlerocket AMI. Bottlerocket is an open source project that focuses on security and maintainability, providing a reliable and consistent Linux distribution for hosting container-based workloads. Now, we are happy to announce that you can now run ECS NVIDIA GPU-accelerated workloads […]

ECS auto scaling using custom metrics

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) Auto Scaling using custom metrics

Introduction Amazon ECS eliminates the need to install, operate, and scale your own cluster management infrastructure. Customers are using horizontal scalability to deploy and scale their microservices applications running on Amazon ECS. They use the Application Auto Scaling service to automatically scale based on metrics data. Amazon ECS typically measures service utilization based on average […]

Enabling AWS X-Ray tracing for AWS App Runner service using AWS Copilot CLI

AWS Copilot CLI is an open-source command line interface that makes it easy for developers to build, release, and operate production-ready containerized workloads on AWS App Runner, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), and AWS Fargate. Under the hood, Copilot uses AWS CloudFormation for provisioning and managing the underlying infrastructures on your behalf so that […]


Metrics and traces collection from Amazon ECS using AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry with dynamic service discovery

An earlier blog published last year (Part 1 in the series), Metrics collection from Amazon ECS using Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus, demonstrated how to deploy Prometheus server on an Amazon ECS cluster, dynamically discover the services to collect metrics from, and send metrics to Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus for subsequent query and visualization. […]

container day featured image

Save the date: AWS Containers events in May

The AWS Containers team has been busy since we’ve seen you last at re:Invent 2021! We’re excited to bring you two free online events in May to share the latest and greatest on Containers at AWS. AWS Container Day @ KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe is happening May 10th-13th & 17th, 1700 – 1900 CEST. This […]

Under the hood: Amazon Elastic Container Service and AWS Fargate increase task launch rates

Since 2015, hundreds of thousands of developers have chosen Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) as their orchestration service for cluster management. Developers trust Amazon ECS with the lifecycle of their mission-critical applications, from initial deployment to rolling out new versions of their code and autoscaling in response to changing traffic levels. Alongside these long-lived application tasks, Amazon […]

Figure 1. Capacity provider strategy controls tasks placement

Optimize cost for container workloads with ECS capacity providers and EC2 Spot Instances

Amazon EC2 Spot Instances use spare Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud  (Amazon EC2) capacity at up to a 90% discount compared to On-Demand prices. Amazon EC2 can interrupt Spot Instances with a two-minute notification when EC2 needs the capacity back. Spot Instances are an ideal option for applications that are stateless, fault-tolerant, scalable, and flexible, such as big data, […]