
Tag: Amazon ECS

Migrate cron jobs to event-driven architectures using Amazon Elastic Container Service and Amazon EventBridge

Introduction Many customers use traditional cron job schedulers in on-premise systems. They need a simple approach to move these scheduled tasks to AWS without refactoring while unlocking the scalability of the cloud. A lift-and-shift migration to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is always a possibility, but that doesn’t take advantage of cloud-native services or […]

How to establish private connectivity for ECS Anywhere

Introduction In 2014, AWS announced Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), a fully managed service that helps you orchestrate, deploy, and scale containerized applications. Although Amazon ECS serves a wide variety of customers from different segments, sizes, and verticals, there are cases where the applications need to run locally. For example, this often occurs in […]

Implement Amazon ECS Anywhere enhanced workload resilience in disconnected scenarios

Introduction Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) Anywhere is a feature of Amazon ECS that lets you run and manage container workloads on your infrastructure. This feature helps you meet compliance requirements and scale your business without sacrificing your on-premises investments. When extending Amazon ECS to customer-managed infrastructure, external instances are registered to a managed Amazon […]

Autoscaling Amazon ECS services based on custom metrics with Application Auto Scaling

Introduction Application Auto Scaling is a web service for developers and system administrators who need a solution for automatically scaling their scalable resources for AWS services such as Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) services, Amazon DynamoDB tables, AWS Lambda Provisioned Concurrency, and more. Application Auto Scaling now offers support for scaling such resources using […]

Implementing a pub/sub architecture with AWS Copilot

Introduction The AWS Copilot CLI is a tool that since its launch in 2020, developers have been using to build, manage, and operate Linux and Windows containers on Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), AWS Fargate, and AWS App Runner. In this post, I’ll walk you through how you can use AWS Copilot CLI to […]

Migrate existing Amazon ECS services from service discovery to Amazon ECS Service Connect

At re:Invent in November 2022 we announced a new Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) solution for service-to-service communication called Amazon ECS Service Connect. Amazon ECS Service Connect enables easy communication between microservices and across Amazon Virtual Private Clouds (Amazon VPCs) by leveraging AWS Cloud Map namespaces and logical service names. This allows you to […]

Announcing Amazon ECS Task Definition Deletion

Today, we are happy to announce new functionality in Amazon Elastic Container Services (Amazon ECS) that allows you to delete task definition revisions. Until now, you were only able to deregister a task definition revision and it would no longer display in your ListTaskDefinition API calls or in your Amazon ECS console, unless you specifically […]

Kubernetes as a platform vs. Kubernetes as an API

Introduction What is Kubernetes? I have been working on this technology since the beginning and after 8 years, I’m still having a problem defining what it is. Some people define Kubernetes as a container orchestrator but does that definition capture the essence of Kubernetes? I don’t think so. In this post, I’d like to explore […]

Architecture evolution: From zero to future-proof architecture at home24

This blog was co-authored by Aurelijus Banelis, Senior Software Engineer at home24 Introduction Home24 is a leading pure-play home & living e-commerce platform in continental Europe and Brazil. It has third-party and private-label assortments combined with a tailored user experience — and that is a good foundation for a sustainable technology business. Aurelijus is proud […]

Monitoring the Amazon ECS Agent

Introduction Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) is a fully managed container orchestration service that allows organizations to deploy, manage, and scale containerized workloads. It’s deeply integrated with the AWS ecosystem to provide a secure and easy-to-use solution for managing applications not only in the cloud but now also on your infrastructure with Amazon ECS […]