
Tag: Terraform

Streamline production grade clusters with Amazon AFT and Terraform EKS Blueprints

AWS users need to continuously enhance their infrastructure and security processes. This typically involves a two-phase approach: discovery and design, followed by implementation. In the discovery phase, an assessment of the current infrastructure is conducted, leading to the creation of architecture documents and patterns for the subsequent implementation phase. This process delves into Account Structure, […]

Build ROSA Clusters with Terraform

Introduction With the recent release of the official Red Hat Cloud Services Provider for Terraform customers can now automate the provisioning Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS clusters (ROSA) with Terraform. Previously, automating the creation of a ROSA cluster required using the OpenShift Command Line Interface (CLI), either wrapping it in code or using additional […]

Scaling IaC and CI/CD pipelines with Terraform, GitHub Actions, and AWS Proton

Introduction Modern applications run on a variety of compute platforms in AWS including serverless services such as AWS Lambda, AWS App Runner, and AWS Fargate. Organizations today are often required to support architectures using a variety of these AWS services, each offering unique runtime characteristics, such as concurrency and scaling, which can be purpose fit […]

AWS Proton Self-Managed Provisioning

This is part two of two blog posts regarding this release: in this post, we address a second feature that recently launched, which is connecting AWS Proton with a self-managed provisioning workflow. To read part one, where we cover how to author AWS Proton Templates using HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) and Terraform, see AWS Proton Terraform […]

Build and deploy a Spring Boot application to AWS App Runner with a CI/CD pipeline using Terraform

Introduction Spring Boot is a leading open-source framework for building Java-based web applications. It is designed to get you up and running as quickly as possible, with minimal configuration. Its opinionated take on production-ready applications makes implementing modern best practices intuitive and easy. AWS App Runner is a fully managed container application service that makes it […]

Leveraging Amazon EKS managed node group with placement group for low latency critical applications

Our customers have been asking how to host their low-latency applications with high throughput such as stock-trading applications and financial market workloads on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), particularly with the EKS managed node group offering. In this blog post, we introduce the concept of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) placement groups, and […]