AWS Database Blog

Category: Migration & Transfer Services

Migrate to native partitioned tables in PostgreSQL 10 using AWS Database Migration Service

We’re excited to introduce AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) version 2.4.3, which includes support for migrating data to native partitioned tables in PostgreSQL 10. In this post, we discuss how you can use AWS DMS version 2.4.3 to migrate data from Oracle partitioned tables to PostgreSQL 10 natively partitioned tables. You can do so […]

Replicate data from Amazon Aurora to Amazon S3 with AWS Database Migration Service

In this blog post, I’ll cover how to use an AWS CloudFormation template to automate the configuration that allows you to replicate data between a relational database like Amazon Aurora to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). I’ll walk you through a sample CloudFormation template so that you can customize for your needs. The AWS […]

Recover from a disaster with delayed replication in Amazon RDS for MySQL

July 2023: This post was reviewed for accuracy. Amazon RDS for MySQL now supports a delayed replication, which allows you to set a time period that a replica database lags behind a source database. In a standard MySQL replication configuration, there is minimal delay between the source and the replica. Now you have the option […]

AWS Schema Conversion Tool blog series: Introducing new features in build 617

We are excited to introduce a new version of the AWS Schema Conversion Tool (AWS SCT). This version includes support for table-valued function conversions, additional information in server-level assessment reports, and more. For those of you who are new to AWS SCT, this tool helps convert your existing database schema from one database engine to […]

Load CDC data from relational databases to Amazon Kinesis using Database Migration Service

UPDATE, March 2019: Since this blog post was published, DMS has launched a new capability to set Kinesis as a target. For the most updated guidance, please visit Use the AWS Database Migration Service to Stream Change Data to Amazon Kinesis Data Streams. ———————————— Many large enterprises are moving their data processing from batch to […]

AWS Schema Conversion Tool introduces new features in build 616

We are excited to introduce a new version of AWS Schema Conversion Tool (AWS SCT) that includes support for PostgreSQL 10 partitioning, a new server-level Assessment Report, support for table-valued functions, and more. For those of you who are new to AWS SCT, this tool helps convert your existing database schema from one database engine […]

Database Migration

How to migrate BLOB and CLOB tables from Oracle to PostgreSQL using Ora2pg and AWS DMS

Many enterprises are considering migrating their Oracle databases to PostgreSQL because of the close compatibility between the platforms and the enterprises’ desire to reduce licensing costs. Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL and Amazon Aurora with PostgreSQL compatibility make it easy to set up, operate, and scale PostgreSQL deployments in the cloud in a cost-efficient manner. AWS […]

How to encrypt database columns with no impact on your application using AWS DMS and Baffle

AWS offers a wealth of security features to protect its infrastructure and services, such as AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) and AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS). AWS Data Migration Service (AWS DMS) provides users a simple automated way of migrating data from their existing databases to Amazon RDS. As part of this, AWS […]

AWS DMS now supports R4 Type Instances and learn to choose the right instance AWS DMS migrations

We are happy to announce support for R4 memory-optimized instances of Amazon EC2 in AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS). These instances come with more memory and higher network bandwidth to help support migrations requiring higher throughput and memory-intensive operations. Here you can see the lineup of instances that is supported in DMS. Now that […]

AWS Database Migration Service and AWS Schema Conversion Tool now support IBM Db2 LUW as a source

Managing and operating relational databases is a basic piece of maintaining an effective business. Relational databases come in many flavors—commercial (Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM Db2, and so on) and open source (MySQL, PostgreSQL, and so on). With innovation and improvements in the open-source database world and cloud computing platforms like AWS, many enterprises are […]