AWS Database Blog

Category: Storage

Automate cross-account backups of Amazon RDS and Amazon Aurora databases with AWS Backup

Many organizations around the world, such as government agencies, financial institutions, and non-profits, are looking for ways to protect their valuable data from ransomware attacks and natural disasters. In addition, many businesses are required to maintain their data long term to meet regulatory compliance and business policies. In the cloud, a strategy we see customers […]

Capture key source table headers data using AWS DMS and use it for Amazon S3 data lake operations

Migrating the raw data from source systems into a central repository is usually the first step in establishing a data lake. Many systems store source data in relational database tables, therefore a mechanism is required to ingest this data in the data lake and also get some relevant metadata about these tables so that data […]

How Liberty Mutual built a highly scalable and cost-effective document management solution

With more than 45,000 employees in 29 countries, Liberty Mutual is the sixth largest global property and casualty insurer, and currently ranks 71st on the Fortune 100 list of largest corporations in the US. The expectations of customers continue to increase as the pace of change accelerates, the nature and magnitude of risk change, and […]

Implement Oracle GoldenGate high availability in the AWS Cloud

The need to move data from one location to another in an asynchronous manner is a goal for many enterprises. Use cases might include migrating data to a reporting database, moving applications from on premises to the cloud, storing a redundant copy in another data center, configuring active/active databases across geographic locations, and performing heterogeneous […]

Set up scheduled backups for Amazon DynamoDB using AWS Backup

With customers scaling up their AWS workloads across hundreds, if not thousands of AWS resources, customers have expressed the need to centrally manage and monitor their backups. They want to have a standardized way to manage their backups at scale. AWS Backup enables you to centralize and automate data protection across AWS services. AWS Backup […]

Verify delivery conditions with the Accord Project and Amazon Quantum Ledger Database – Part 2

This is part two of the two-part series of blog posts discussing how to apply smart legal contracts technology to verify delivery conditions with open-source Accord Project and Amazon Quantum Ledger Database service. In the first part we introduced the smart legal contract technology, a sample delivery process, and reviewed the solution to run smart legal contracts on AWS with Accord Project. […]

Verify delivery conditions with the Accord Project and Amazon Quantum Ledger Database – Part 1

Smart legal contracts are an emerging technology in the legal tech domain. Their main goal is to make the verification of terms and conditions in legal contracts more efficient. Unlike smart contracts, which are self-running programs in distributed ledger databases (usually in blockchain-based systems), smart legal contracts represent an entire legal contract. They combine a […]

Use Amazon ElastiCache for Redis as a near-real-time feature store

Customers often use Amazon ElastiCache for real-time transactional and analytical use cases. It provides high throughout and low latencies, while meeting a variety of business needs. Because it uses in-memory data structures, typical use cases include database and session caching, as well as leaderboards, gaming and financial trading platforms, social media, and sharing economy apps. […]

Migrate an application from using GridFS to using Amazon S3 and Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility)

In many database applications there arises a need to store large objects, such as files, along with application data. A common approach is to store these files inside the database itself, despite the fact that a database isn’t the architecturally best choice for storing large objects. Primarily, because file system APIs are relatively basic (such […]

Export and import data from Amazon S3 to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL

You can build highly distributed applications using a multitude of purpose-built databases by decoupling complex applications into smaller pieces, which allows you to choose the right database for the right job. Amazon Aurora is the preferred choice for OLTP workloads. Aurora makes it easy to set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the […]