AWS Developer Tools Blog

Introducing enhanced DynamoDB client in the AWS SDK for Java v2

We are pleased to announce the release of the enhanced DynamoDB client as a new module of the AWS SDK for Java 2.0. This enhanced DynamoDB module provides a more idiomatic code authoring experience. You can now integrate applications with Amazon DynamoDB using an adaptive API that allows you to execute database operations directly with […]

Centralize Logs using CDK

Introducing the AWS CDK public roadmap

We’ve published an AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) public roadmap on GitHub! As an open source project, we’re all about transparency and want to help you plan by making it easier to follow upcoming features and let us know what we should work on next. Checkout the CDK roadmap to see what we’re up to, […]

Bootstrapping a Java Lambda application with minimal AWS Java SDK startup time using Maven

We’re excited to share a new Maven Archetype for Java Lambda applications that we released recently and show you how to start building Java Lambda applications quickly, using this archetype. With the new archetype, customers can easily bootstrap a Java Lambda project configured with the AWS SDK for Java 2.x as a dependency and SAM […]

PowerShell 7 support with AWS Lambda

Recently we released our .NET Core 3.1 AWS Lambda runtime. With our previous .NET Core 2.1 Lambda runtime we released the AWSLambdaPSCore PowerShell module that made it easy to deploy PowerShell scripts to Lambda using PowerShell 6 and the .NET Core 2.1 Lambda Runtime. Now we have released version 2.0.0 of the PowerShell module AWSLambdaPSCore. […]

AWS CLI v2 Docker image

With the release of 2.0.6 of the AWS CLI v2, we are excited to announce the AWS CLI v2 is now available as a Docker image. This allows users to use the AWS CLI v2 in a container-based environment without having to manage the installation of the AWS CLI v2 themselves. While there are a […]

AWS is updating minimum requirements for AWS Tools for PowerShell to Windows PowerShell 3.0 and .NET Framework 4.5

On January 14th 2020 Microsoft ended extended support for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2. The oldest supported Windows Server version, Windows Server 2012, comes with Windows PowerShell 3.0 and .NET Framework 4.5. The legacy variant of AWS Tools for PowerShell (AWSPowerShell) is currently compatible with Windows PowerShell 2.0 and .NET Framework 3.5. […]

AWS CLI v2 is now generally available

We’re excited to announce the v2.0.0 GA release of the AWS CLI version 2 (v2). AWS CLI v2 builds on AWS CLI v1 and includes a number of features and enhancements based on community feedback. New Features The AWS CLI v2 offers several new features including improved installers, new configuration options such as AWS Single […]

Centralize Logs using CDK

Deploying AWS Chalice application using AWS Cloud Development Kit

In this blog, we will build a simple service based on Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda for managing users in Amazon DynamoDB table. I will be using AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) and AWS Chalice frameworks to develop both infrastructure and application logic as code. There is some overlap between CDK and Chalice […]

Handling arbitrary HTTP requests in Amazon API Gateway

In this post, I walk you through the steps to build a serverless web application that can accept arbitrary HTTP requests and use custom logic to return arbitrary responses. The concepts in this post are applicable to any situation where you require flexible control over the HTTP requests received and returned by an application that uses […]