AWS Developer Tools Blog

Tag: aws-sdk

Announcing Amazon S3 checksums support in the AWS SDK for Kotlin

We are excited to announce support for Amazon S3 checksums in the AWS SDK for Kotlin! A checksum is a unique fingerprint calculated from a set of data that can be used to check whether the data has been altered or corrupted during transfers. Configuring a checksum is a valuable precaution to help maintain the […]

Introducing The Smithy CLI

Introducing the Smithy CLI

The Smithy team is excited to announce the official release of the Smithy CLI. Smithy is an open-source Interface Definition Language (IDL) for web services created by AWS. AWS uses Smithy to model services, generate server scaffolding and rich clients in multiple languages, and generate the AWS SDKs. Smithy enables large-scale collaboration on APIs through its […]

Introducing a new client in the AWS SDK for Java 2.x for retrieving EC2 Instance Metadata

You can now use AWS SDK for Java 2.x to easily retrieve instance metadata for an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance! We are pleased to announce the general availability of new Java SDK EC2 Instance Metadata Clients in the AWS SDK for Java 2.x (version 2.19.29 or later). You can use this new […]

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Why and how you should use AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3) on Node.js 18

The Node.js 18.x runtime was promoted to Active Long Term Support (LTS) on October 25th, 2022, and is now available in AWS Lambda. The AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3) is included by default in AWS Lambda Node.js 18 runtime as a convenience for developers building simpler functions. You can read about features in Node.js 18 […]

Introducing Smithy IDL 2.0

The AWS Smithy team is happy to announce the 2.0 release of the Smithy Interface Definition Language (IDL). This release focuses on improving the developer experience of authoring Smithy models and using code generated from Smithy models. It contains numerous new features, such as reduced nulls and optional types in generated code, custom default values, […]

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Announcing the end of support for Node.js 12.x in the AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3)

This blog post is about AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3), and not AWS Lambda. As of Oct 2022, Lambda is planning Node.js 12.x deprecation on Mar 31, 2023. If your code uses Lambda Provided SDK, it’s v2 which continues to support Node.js 12.x Starting November 1, 2022, AWS SDK For JavaScript (v3) will no longer […]

TLS 1.3 Incompatibility with AWS SDK for Java versions 1.9.5 to 1.10.31

AWS works to ensure that your Java applications connect using the most modern encryption protocols that provide performance and security advances. This includes Transport Layer Security (TLS) version 1.3, which we are actively adding support for in all of our services. This blog is to notify you that older versions of the AWS SDK for […]

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Announcing the end of support for Internet Explorer 11 in the AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3)

Starting October 1, 2022, AWS SDK For JavaScript (v3) will end support for Internet Explorer 11 (IE 11). The browser artifacts published in our npm packages will no longer target ES5. If your browser application depends on the AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3), we encourage you to support only modern secure and evergreen browsers like […]

Tips & Tricks: Delaying AWS Service configuration when using .NET Dependency Injection

Tips & Tricks: Delaying AWS Service configuration when using .NET Dependency Injection The AWSSDK.Extensions.NETCore.Setup package provides extensions for enabling AWS Service Client creation to work with native .NET Dependency Injection. Bindings for one or more services can be registered via the included AddAWSService<TService> method and a shared configuration can be added and customized via the […]

Error Handling in Modular AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3)

In the version 3.53.0 of the modular AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3), we introduced concrete classes for AWS service exceptions which support asserting service exceptions with instanceof operator. In this post, we cover how to use it and how it improves the error handling experience. Why did we do it? Previously, the AWS SDK for […]