AWS Cloud Enterprise Strategy Blog

An abstract image portraying security concepts

Transform Your GRC Strategy to Get the Most Out of the Cloud

Introduction by Mark Schwartz In several earlier posts I discussed new strategies for governance in the cloud and the digital world in general. In the first, I talked about the kind of governance that requires standardization and rules. In the second, I wrote about governing projects and investments. The underlying point of these posts was […]

Making Time to Change, Part 1

A person who chases two rabbits catches neither. —Confucius “I need to transform my organisation to become more agile, but I don’t have enough people or time.” Does this ring a bell? As organisations look to evolve their culture and adopt supporting cloud-based technologies, one significant challenge is how to do this while also keeping […]

Reception area at Autodesk Singapore

Database Freedom Is Real: The Autodesk Story

As a previous customer and current enterprise strategist for Amazon Web Services (AWS), I’ve seen that although no two companies are the same, IT challenges are extremely similar across the industry spectrums. One of those challenges I faced in my past roles was the sheer amount of time, cost, and frustration of managing database software […]

Abstract image representing digital customer interaction

Mental Models to Clarify the Goals of Digital Transformation, Part 1

As we’ve all realized by now, the term digital transformation has become slippery and overused. Something big is going on today in the way technology is used in large enterprises, a change that seems to have something to do with digital technology, digital ways of working, and the increasing importance of digital interactions in our […]

A man stops a line of dominos from falling

Resilience, Part One: Preparing for Unknown Unknowns

The important lesson to learn from COVID-19 is not that we need to be prepared for pandemics: it’s that we need to be prepared for unexpected, high-impact events, whatever they may be. Any particular one of these events is too unlikely to plan for, but taken collectively, there’s a reasonable chance that one of them […]

Exterior view of the Bank of England

Guest Blog: Accelerating Adoption of Machine Learning in the Financial Services Industry

Machine Learning (ML) is such a powerful new set of technologies, opening up so many business possibilities, that it’s sometimes difficult to imagine how best to put it to use. The possibilities are overwhelming, and there is little history to build on. In this post Baran Karlidag ties ML to the specific challenges that financial […]

A couple reviewing papers with an insurance agent

Increasing Digital User Engagement in the Insurance Industry

Like other industries, insurance must respond to rising customer expectations for digital interactions. In this post, Tony Jacob, Amazon Web Services’ Worldwide Insurance Business Development Manager, explains how insurers can deepen their relationships with customers by engaging them digitally. Interestingly, he finds that the challenges have less to do with the digital interactions themselves, and […]

Two business man standing on opposite sides of a gap and looking down

Is Your Cloud Journey Stuck in the Value Gap?

Your cloud migration was off to a good start: you set out with a clear plan, used the “Six Rs” to segment your workloads by the different strategies of moving to the cloud, and have closely tracked core metrics like number of applications migrated. However, your stakeholders have become increasingly doubtful as to whether the […]