AWS Cloud Enterprise Strategy Blog

Tag: Agility

Birds breaking free

Tenets: supercharging decision-making

“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson, essayist & philosopher Thinking is hard; energy intensive even. Perhaps that’s the reason we obsess about food. One estimate indicates we make over 200 food-related decisions a day. Another popular internet statistic boldly states that the average human makes […]

Go Faster! But How? How mapping your product-development process can help you build a high performing organization

Become a high-performing software organization How do you become a high-performing software organization? It is more than just putting new tools in place to manage your CI/CD/CT pipeline. Doing so is like taking the skills you learned from riding a bike and applying them to Formula 1: it will not work. You need to apply […]

SCM: Supply Chain Muscling or Modernization?

In my customer conversations, Supply Chain Management (SCM) has become almost as constant a theme as people and agility. The last two years of pandemic and other disruptive events, along with the necessity to achieve sustainability objectives, have shocked companies into realising that they don’t necessarily know as much about their supply chains as they […]

multiple tape measures - signifying multiple areas that comprise cloud transformation

Measuring the Success of Your Transformation

How do you know whether you’re successful in your cloud journey and your digital transformation? Or, when you’re planning your digital initiative, what benefits should you expect and how will you see them reflected in the company’s performance? Given the uncertainty and change in today’s business environment, it’s sometimes hard to find a stable baseline […]

Man looking for path forward

I’m a Mature Cloud Adopter. Now What?

Many enterprises have already become proficient with the cloud. They’ve migrated a substantial portion of their workloads, learned the necessary cloud skills, established an aggressive security posture, and developed at least an initial workable operating model. What’s next? How do you build on that foundation to maximize the value of the cloud? Here are some […]

Digital Transformation: Hype or a Strategic Necessity?

While the term digital transformation has become slippery and overused, it nevertheless remains a priority of many business and technology executives. In this blog post, Dr. Saša Baškarada, a senior transformation architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS) Professional Services, explains the drivers of digital transformation as well as its three interdependent stages. The resulting conceptual […]

Why you Should Adopt Agile Cloud Transformation

While technology executives generally understand and accept that agile software development methods are effective, some may still be reluctant to approach their cloud transformations in an agile manner. They believe that a cloud transformation is too big and complex for Agile to work. In this blog post, Dr. Saša Baškarada, a senior cloud transformation advisor […]

A diagram showing five capabilities and two characteristics that all agile organizations have in common

The Seven S’s of Organizational Agility

We talk a lot about organizational agility. But what exactly does the term mean? By now, Agile software development and agile IT capability delivery have taken on a fairly precise meaning, even if it’s sometimes misunderstood. But one goal of IT agility is to support organizational agility, which is certainly a broader concept and more […]