AWS for Industries

Category: Customer Solutions

Secure collaboration with Altium on AWS

Introduction A forecast from International Data Corporate (IDC), a global market intelligence firm, predicts that by 2025 there will 55.9 billion connected devices, or “Internet of Things (IOT)”, worldwide. With these new devices, the need for Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design software will continue to grow. However, just having the right tools in the hands […]

Manufacturing Resiliency: Best practices for ensuring continued operations

Introduction Have you started looking for ways to let your employees work from home while continuing operations? This blog describes two best practices for addressing your immediate needs, while ensuring employee safety. With the need to move to essential only staffing, restrictions on travel and staff proximity, and quarantines within the workforce, a growing number […]

How to build a global, scalable, low-latency, and secure machine learning medical imaging analysis platform on AWS

Introduction It is hard to imagine the future for medical imaging without machine learning (ML) as its central innovation engine. Countless researchers, developers, start-ups, and larger enterprises are engaged in building, training, and deploying machine learning solutions for medical imaging that are posed to transform today’s medical workflows and the future value of imaging in […]

5 tips for implementing conversational experiences in travel

 This post is authored by Evan Kohn, Chief Business Officer at APN Partner Pypestream Current events have revealed business continuity shortcomings across every single industry, especially in travel. Call centers weren’t prepared with readily available, scalable technology, and didn’t have the resources to properly withstand the increase in customer touchpoints. And what was left? A […]

Re-thinking the Fine Dining experience

In previous blog posts I have shared insights, inspiration, and customer success stories from restaurants and catering/contract food service organizations. The majority of the observations have come from the Quick Service Restaurant (QSR), Fast/Quick Casual and Casual Dining segments of the industry. As a result, I have received many ‘playful’ comments from Fine Dining establishments. […]

Integrate Operational Technology data from OSIsoft PI with AWS services

Large industrial enterprises in manufacturing, oil and gas, and electric transmission and distribution collect operational technology (OT) data from millions of sensors. Much of this valuable data remains unused sitting in historians with 80% of the world’s largest oil and gas companies and 65% of the industrial companies in the Fortune 500 relying on the […]

Enabling High performance CAD for remote workers

The shift to a remote workforce has presented a number of challenges for all companies, including manufacturers. Secure access to sensitive data, potentially in large files, and requirements for high performance on-premises compute equipment for complex engineering workloads is making running engineering and business operations remotely difficult. Creo is a market-leading suite of desktop CAD/CAM/CAE […]

Advancing corporate energy goals through flexibility management for renewable energy portfolios

In recent years, corporate sustainability efforts have evolved from marketing campaigns championed by progressive tech companies into mainstream, multi-faceted programs, highly scrutinized by customers, shareholders, and employees. Today, nearly every major company has some sustainability initiative, with these investments frequently being pursued as an attractive financial strategy in addition to prudent public relations. Energy management […]

Accelerating subsurface collaboration with streamlined raster image rendering

OAG Analytics software running on AWS accelerates collaboration between geoscientists and data scientists with seamless interaction of 100+ GB geo-encoded raster images in a web browser or mobile device. Problem Large geotagged raster images are frequently used as input data to, and are generated by, hybrid machine learning workflows that quantify subsurface resources like hydrocarbons, copper, […]