AWS for Industries

How to build serverless entity resolution workflows on AWS

How to build serverless entity resolution workflows on AWS

Consumers expect companies to engage with them in a highly relevant and personalized way regardless of channel. In a study done by Twilio, 60 percent of consumers say that they will make a repeat purchase after a personalized experience. A study from McKinsey & Company indicates that more than 70 percent of consumers expect a […]

InsurTech: Event-driven Insurance Policy Processing Approach

InsurTech: Event-driven Insurance Policy Processing Approach

Traditional monolithic policy processing systems are often burdened with complexity and inefficiency, leading to slow response times, errors, and customer dissatisfaction. However, the emergence of InsurTech has paved the way for innovative solutions that can revolutionize insurance policy processing. In this blog, you’ll learn how to build a modern, scalable insurance policy administration system on […]

How Stellantis built the serverless self-service portal for the Virtual Engineering Workbench

How Stellantis built the serverless self-service portal for the Virtual Engineering Workbench

Introduction Developers face many challenges when building web-based enterprise applications, including rapid prototyping to test ideas, setting up the infrastructure for static web site asset hosting, hosting business logic, exposing APIs and ensuring security across all layers. In this blog post, we show how Stellantis uses AWS serverless services to help build its Virtual Engineering […]

The urgency, challenges, and opportunities of decarbonization

The urgency, challenges, and opportunities of decarbonization

Net zero in 2050 year ESG, eco concept for environmental, social, sustainable and ethical,global warming, Human hand holding Green tree eco green energy system icon around on blue background. One of the most important takeaways from the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) is the urgency to accelerate our global decarbonization efforts. Currently, the […]

AWS reInvent 2023 - Top 10 Announcements and more for the Energy Industry feature card

AWS re:Invent 2023 – Top 10 Announcements and more for the Energy Industry

Another successful re:Invent is in the books. Attendees from across the globe gathered in Las Vegas November 27-December 1 for re:Invent 2023 where they heard from AWS experts, customers and partners on how cloud technologies are reinventing industries. With over 140 new announcements and services, including 30 spanning generative AI, and more than 30 sessions […]

Driving Outcomes for Capital Projects in the Energy Industry using Generative AI

According to the International Energy Agency, annual investment in new capital projects—which stood at just over $1.5 trillion before the COVID-19 pandemic—is set to reach nearly $2 trillion between 2025 and 2030. Capital projects in the energy industry typically involve billions of dollars in investment and millions of engineering and construction hours. Over the life […]

Recap of AWS reInvent 2023 for the Automotive and Manufacturing Industry

Recap of AWS re:Invent 2023 for the Automotive Industry

As we reflect on the impactful events of Amazon Web Services (AWS) re:Invent 2023, it’s clear that this year’s conference, which took place in Las Vegas, Nevada, was a nexus of innovation and forward-thinking, especially for the automotive and manufacturing sector. This recap is dedicated to distilling the wealth of information and announcements made during […]

ORIS supports sustainability with scalable business impact in Road Construction on AWS

ORIS is a digital material platform running on AWS that enables road professionals and road authorities to make data-driven decisions for more sustainable roads. ORIS insights can help reduce the carbon emissions of road construction by up to 50%, so that more communities can benefit from new roadways at a lower environmental cost. The platform […]

Automated genomic data processing with AWS HealthOmics & TetraScience

Automated genomic data processing with AWS HealthOmics & TetraScience

Data governance strategies based on FAIR Data principles can increase operational efficiency and accelerate innovation in R&D. Amazon Web Services (AWS), along with partners such as TetraScience, enable pharmaceutical and biotech customers to adopt FAIR data governance practices with solutions that help process and store large-scale data for research and diagnostic purposes. This blog shows […]

re:Invent wrap up for manufacturing – not only for developers anymore!

Another re:Invent is behind us, and attendees had a busy week of learning at technical sessions, exploring interactive demos, networking with peers, and having some fun at the re:Play celebration. We had great announcements on new services, features, and solutions that will help manufacturing and industrial companies accelerate their digital transformation journey and assist companies […]