Integration & Automation
Use AWS Control Tower to deploy AWS Quick Starts to multiple accounts
Use a configuration file in AWS Control Tower to deploy a single Quick Start to thousands of AWS accounts.
How to automate your software-composition analysis on AWS
In this blog post, we discuss an operation that reduces the risk of downloading new packages from public repositories.
Install and configure TaskCat on Microsoft Windows 10
Install and configure TaskCat on Windows 10 with Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL 2) and test an AWS CloudFormation template.
How to automatically subscribe to Amazon CloudWatch Logs groups
Automatically discover new log groups and add them as triggers to your existing Lambda functions.
Automate IAM credential reports at scale across AWS
Automate and consolidate IAM credential reports for your AWS accounts using a scalable infrastructure-as-code automation.
Manage Amazon S3 Event Notifications using a Lambda function
Learn how to use an AWS Lambda function and custom AWS CloudFormation resources to manage your shared S3 Event Notifications.
Deploy an SPA with personalized subdomains using AWS CDK
Learn how to deploy a single-page application (SPA) with customer-specific subdomains automatically with AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK).
Use AWS Systems Manager to improve Microsoft AD stability
Use a distributed Microsoft Active Directory to authenticate workloads on AWS.
Use Git pre-commit hooks to avoid AWS CloudFormation errors
Learn how Git pre-commit hooks can save you time and frustration by catching formatting errors in your AWS CloudFormation templates.
Customize an AWS Quick Start for your use case
Learn learn how to customize the code in an AWS Quick Start to fit your use case.