The Internet of Things on AWS – Official Blog
Tag: AWS IoT Device Management
How to manage IoT device certificate rotation using AWS IoT
Introduction The Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming business operations and customer experiences across a variety of industries. This unlimited opportunity enables business transformation, but if not implemented correctly, it also brings security, risk, and privacy concerns, compromising your data and brand. In industrial facilities, OT (Operational Technology) environments are leveraging more IT solutions to improve […]
How to implement zero trust IoT solutions with AWS IoT
Introduction Zero trust is often misunderstood. It’s not a product but a security model and associated set of architectural principles and patterns. One of the main challenges customers face is determining how zero-trust principles can be applied to Internet of Things (IoT) and how to get started with incorporating zero trust with Amazon Web Services […]
Design IoT jobs for rapid large scale device updates with advanced device group target patterns
Customer IoT applications require rapid over the air (OTA) updates to maintain the state of their IoT things. This becomes increasingly important as IoT fleets grow. Jobs for AWS IoT Device Management is a feature to push updates to targeted edge devices. Each job targets devices in static or dynamic AWS IoT thing groups. Static […]
Get Started with Fleet Hub for AWS IoT Device Management
There are billions of devices in homes, factories, oil wells, hospitals, cars, and thousands of other places–which means there are billions of devices to monitor and manage. AWS IoT helps customers in all industries effectively manage their device fleets, and can reliably scale to billions of devices and trillions of messages. Companies often rely on […]
Connecting home appliances with a smart home solution built on AWS in the AWS China Region
This blog post introduces how the manufacturers of home appliances can use AWS Services to build and maintain their smart home solutions. These solutions are both the platforms that power their connected products as well as the applications consumers use to control those products. This blog post illustrates a real use case from a customer […]
Unlock the value of embedded security IP to build secure IoT products at scale
Introduction IoT product development crosses several domains of expertise from embedded design to communication protocols and cloud computing. Because of this complexity “end-to-end” or “edge-to-cloud” IoT security is becoming a challenging concept in the industry. Edge in many cases refers to the device as a single element in the edge-to-cloud chain. But the device must […]
How to perform secondary processor over-the-air updates with FreeRTOS
Many embedded architectures include a connectivity processor connected to one or more secondary processors that perform business logic. The ability to perform secondary processor over-the-air (OTA) updates is just as critical as updating the connectivity processor. This is because it allows for low-cost patching of bugs and security vulnerabilities as well as delivering new features […]
Improving the management and security of your AWS IoT resources with tagging
Solution providers operating environments such as smart building, utilities, manufacturing systems, and connected products offer business-to-business services often based on IoT platforms deployed in multitenant deployments. Securely managing those resources by use case, types, locations and by tenants can sometime be hard. Creating hierarchical grouping of things is a common pattern, but it does not […]
Introducing Secure Tunneling for AWS IoT Device Management, a new secure way to troubleshoot IoT devices
AWS IoT Device Management has a breadth of tools that enable businesses to build IoT applications for every industry. However, when it comes to remote access to devices, that typically has involved a customer sending a control message either through a MQTT topic, or updating the device’s shadow and then having the device agent take action […]
Getting Aggregate Information of Devices with AWS IoT Device Management Fleet Indexing
AWS IoT Device Management Fleet Indexing has launched three APIs for getting aggregate information of devices: GetStatistics, GetPercentiles and GetCardinality. With these APIs, you can quickly answer questions like: What’s the percentage of the devices connecting to AWS IoT? What’s the maximum, minimum and average of device battery level? How many OS versions are present? […]