AWS Machine Learning Blog

Category: Advanced (300)

Simplify data prep for generative AI with Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler

Generative artificial intelligence (generative AI) models have demonstrated impressive capabilities in generating high-quality text, images, and other content. However, these models require massive amounts of clean, structured training data to reach their full potential. Most real-world data exists in unstructured formats like PDFs, which requires preprocessing before it can be used effectively. According to IDC, […]

Retrieval-Augmented Generation with LangChain, Amazon SageMaker JumpStart, and MongoDB Atlas Semantic Search

Generative AI models have the potential to revolutionize enterprise operations, but businesses must carefully consider how to harness their power while overcoming challenges such as safeguarding data and ensuring the quality of AI-generated content. The Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) framework augments prompts with external data from multiple sources, such as document repositories, databases, or APIs, to […]

Solution architecture diagram

Build a foundation model (FM) powered customer service bot with agents for Amazon Bedrock

From enhancing the conversational experience to agent assistance, there are plenty of ways that generative artificial intelligence (AI) and foundation models (FMs) can help deliver faster, better support. With the increasing availability and diversity of FMs, it’s difficult to experiment and keep up-to-date with the latest model versions. Amazon Bedrock is a fully managed service […]

Fine-tune Whisper models on Amazon SageMaker with LoRA

Whisper is an Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) model that has been trained using 680,000 hours of supervised data from the web, encompassing a range of languages and tasks. One of its limitations is the low-performance on low-resource languages such as Marathi language and Dravidian languages, which can be remediated with fine-tuning. However, fine-tuning a Whisper […]

Model management for LoRA fine-tuned models using Llama2 and Amazon SageMaker

In the era of big data and AI, companies are continually seeking ways to use these technologies to gain a competitive edge. One of the hottest areas in AI right now is generative AI, and for good reason. Generative AI offers powerful solutions that push the boundaries of what’s possible in terms of creativity and […]

Stream large language model responses in Amazon SageMaker JumpStart

We are excited to announce that Amazon SageMaker JumpStart can now stream large language model (LLM) inference responses. Token streaming allows you to see the model response output as it is being generated instead of waiting for LLMs to finish the response generation before it is made available for you to use or display. The […]

Dialogue-guided visual language processing with Amazon SageMaker JumpStart

Visual language processing (VLP) is at the forefront of generative AI, driving advancements in multimodal learning that encompasses language intelligence, vision understanding, and processing. Combined with large language models (LLM) and Contrastive Language-Image Pre-Training (CLIP) trained with a large quantity of multimodality data, visual language models (VLMs) are particularly adept at tasks like image captioning, […]

Deploy and fine-tune foundation models in Amazon SageMaker JumpStart with two lines of code

We are excited to announce a simplified version of the Amazon SageMaker JumpStart SDK that makes it straightforward to build, train, and deploy foundation models. The code for prediction is also simplified. In this post, we demonstrate how you can use the simplified SageMaker Jumpstart SDK to get started with using foundation models in just a couple of lines of code.

Empower your business users to extract insights from company documents using Amazon SageMaker Canvas and Generative AI

Enterprises seek to harness the potential of Machine Learning (ML) to solve complex problems and improve outcomes. Until recently, building and deploying ML models required deep levels of technical and coding skills, including tuning ML models and maintaining operational pipelines. Since its introduction in 2021, Amazon SageMaker Canvas has enabled business analysts to build, deploy, […]

Figure 1 – Transmittance characteristics of methane in the SWIR spectrum and coverage of Sentinel-2 multi-spectral missions

Detection and high-frequency monitoring of methane emission point sources using Amazon SageMaker geospatial capabilities

Methane (CH4) is a major anthropogenic greenhouse gas that‘s a by-product of oil and gas extraction, coal mining, large-scale animal farming, and waste disposal, among other sources. The global warming potential of CH4 is 86 times that of CO2 and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates that methane is responsible for 30 percent of observed […]