AWS Machine Learning Blog

How Foxconn built an end-to-end forecasting solution in two months with Amazon Forecast

This is a guest post by Foxconn. The content and opinions in this post are those of the third-party author and AWS is not responsible for the content or accuracy of this post.  In their own words, “Established in Taiwan in 1974, Hon Hai Technology Group (Foxconn) is the world’s largest electronics manufacturer. Foxconn is […]

For an existing data lake registered with Lake Formation, the following diagram illustrates the proposed implementation.

Control and audit data exploration activities with Amazon SageMaker Studio and AWS Lake Formation

May 2024: This post was reviewed and updated to use a new dataset, reflect the updated Studio experience and AWS IAM Identity Center. Certain industries are required to audit all access to their data. This includes auditing exploratory activities performed by data scientists, who usually query data from within machine learning (ML) notebooks. This post […]

Building and deploying an object detection computer vision application at the edge with AWS Panorama

Computer vision (CV) is sought after technology among companies looking to take advantage of machine learning (ML) to improve their business processes. Enterprises have access to large amounts of video assets from their existing cameras, but the data remains largely untapped without the right tools to gain insights from it. CV provides the tools to […]

Population health applications with Amazon HealthLake – Part 1: Analytics and monitoring using Amazon QuickSight

Healthcare has recently been transformed by two remarkable innovations: Medical Interoperability and machine learning (ML). Medical Interoperability refers to the ability to share healthcare information across multiple systems. To take advantage of these transformations, we launched a new HIPAA-eligible healthcare service, Amazon HealthLake, now in preview at re:Invent 2020. In the re:Invent announcement, we talk […]

Focusing on disaster response with Amazon Augmented AI and Mechanical Turk

It’s easy to distinguish a lake from a flood. But when you’re looking at an aerial photograph, factors like angle, altitude, cloud cover, and context can make the task more difficult. And when you need to identify 100,000 aerial images in order to give first responders the information they need to accelerate disaster response efforts? […]

The following diagram illustrates the high-level workflow of Model Monitor.

Monitoring in-production ML models at large scale using Amazon SageMaker Model Monitor

Machine learning (ML) models are impacting business decisions of organizations around the globe, from retail and financial services to autonomous vehicles and space exploration. For these organizations, training and deploying ML models into production is only one step towards achieving business goals. Model performance may degrade over time for several reasons, such as changing consumer […]

Training a reinforcement learning Agent with Unity and Amazon SageMaker RL

Unity is one of the most popular game engines that has been adopted not only for video game development but also by industries such as film and automotive. Unity offers tools to create virtual simulated environments with customizable physics, landscapes, and characters. The Unity Machine Learning Agents Toolkit (ML-Agents) is an open-source project that enables […]

AWS DeepRacer League announces 2020 Championship Cup winner Po-Chun Hsu of Taiwan

AWS DeepRacer is the fastest way to get rolling with machine learning (ML). It’s a fully autonomous 1/18th scale race car driven by reinforcement learning, a 3D racing simulator, and a global racing league. Throughout 2020, tens of thousands of developers honed their ML skills and competed in the League’s virtual circuit via the AWS […]

The same survey highlights that the top three biggest roadblocks to deploying a model in production are managing dependencies and environments, security, and skill gaps.

Exploratory data analysis, feature engineering, and operationalizing your data flow into your ML pipeline with Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler

According to The State of Data Science 2020 survey, data management, exploratory data analysis (EDA), feature selection, and feature engineering accounts for more than 66% of a data scientist’s time (see the following diagram). The same survey highlights that the top three biggest roadblocks to deploying a model in production are managing dependencies and environments, […]

Identifying training bottlenecks and system resource under-utilization with Amazon SageMaker Debugger

At AWS re:Invent 2020, AWS released the profiling functionality for Amazon SageMaker Debugger. In this post, we expand on the importance of profiling deep neural network (DNN) training, review some of the common performance bottlenecks you might encounter, and demonstrate how to use the profiling feature in Debugger to detect such bottlenecks. In the context […]