AWS for M&E Blog

Tag: AWS Wavelength Zones

San Francisco Opera makes beautiful music with Elk LIVE, AWS edge computing, and 5G

Demonstration shows the power of AWS edge computing for a distributed performance Music is built on a framework of time. To maintain the beat, tempo, swing, groove, and storyline, musicians depend on reliable and consistent timing. Opera is one of the most precise artforms in the music world and relies on ultra-low latencies for real-time […]

Edge caching on AWS Wavelength

Edge caching and Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) are a critical part of both over-the-top (OTT) and over-the-air (OTA) distribution. They make geographical delivery possible by staging data closer to the user device, while reducing strain on origin servers and long-haul networks. This gives thousands of users efficient access to content with reduced response time in […]

Zixi live streams 4K content on the 5G Edge with AWS Wavelength

Sports fans and entertainment buffs have a high bar for their live streaming experiences, demanding outstanding performances on any device, quick start times, and no buffering. Viewers also want more live streamed content than ever, and, increasingly, in vivid 4K Ultra High Definition (UHD) resolution. These applications require ultra-low latencies in order to deliver high-quality […]