Front-End Web & Mobile

Category: AWS Amplify

Share code between Next.js apps with Nx on AWS Amplify Hosting

Share code between Next.js apps with Nx on AWS Amplify Hosting

In this post, we will explore the capabilities of AWS Amplify Hosting to interface with monorepos, specifically Nx, and deploy the frontend applications that reside in them.  We’ll learn the benefits of using a monorepo through an example of multiple banking websites that use the same mortgage calculator made up of libraries and components that […]

watchOS and tvOS are now GA

Announcing watchOS and tvOS Support on AWS Amplify Library for Swift

We are excited to announce that Amplify Library for Swift now supports watchOS and tvOS platforms! Amplify Library for Swift allows developers building apps for the Apple platforms to easily connect and include cloud features like authentication, storage, maps, and more. Amplify Library for Swift is open source on GitHub, and we deeply appreciate the […]

New: Introducing the AWS Amplify Badge Program

AWS Amplify is a complete solution that lets front-end web and mobile developers easily build, ship, and host full-stack applications on AWS, with the flexibility to leverage 175+ AWS services as use cases evolve. Learn more about Amplify or try it on the AWS Free Tier. Earn badges for your contributions to AWS Amplify We are excited to […]

5 Next.js features that are better with AWS Amplify

5 Next.js features that are better with AWS Amplify

Next.js is a popular React framework that enables server-side rendering and static site generation for React apps. When combined with AWS Amplify, a set of purpose-built tools and features that enables frontend web and mobile developers to quickly and easily build full-stack applications on AWS, developers can build some really powerful apps. Here are 5 Next.js features that […]

Next.js API Routes with AWS Amplify

Next.js API Routes with AWS Amplify

Next.js is a popular React framework that enables server-side rendering and static site generation for React apps. It makes building full-stack React apps incredibly simple. Developers love Next.js over other solutions because it handles a lot of the difficult configuration required for server-side rendering and static site generation automatically. It has builtin support for styling, […]

Authenticator featured image

New – Amplify SwiftUI-based Authenticator Component

Today we are making available a new SwiftUI-based open-source Authenticator component for your iOS, iPadOS, and Catalyst applications. Most applications have a requirement to authenticate their user at some point or other of the user flow. Authentication allows users to save their preferences, to unlock premium features, or control access to data. The authentication category […]

Info card with an impact of storage manager within Form Builder

NEW: Announcing Storage Manager and Relationship Support for Form Builder

Today, AWS Amplify is excited to announce the launch of two new features for Amplify Studio Form Builder: Storage Manager, and Relationship support! With this launch, we are extending the functionality of Form Builder to support even more use cases. Storage Manager links your generated React forms to Amplify Storage, using S3, so your forms […]

Automate Testing with Authentication using AWS Amplify and Cypress

Note: This post is an update and extension to a previous blog post “Running end-to-end Cypress tests for your fullstack CI/CD deployment with Amplify Console“ Overview Automating the process of building, testing, and deploying software allows for faster delivery of high-quality software and can help reduce the risk of errors, as developers can catch and […]

Announcing the Amplify UI StorageManager Component

Announcing the Amplify UI StorageManager Component

Amplify UI is a collection of accessible, themeable, performant React components that can connect directly to the cloud. Today we are announcing a new cloud-connected UI component called the StorageManager, which lets your users upload and manage files to the cloud. In this post you will learn how to use Amplify’s new StorageManager component to […]

Building macOS apps using Amplify Library for Swift

The Amplify Library for Swift is now generally available for macOS. Amplify is an open-source client-side library making it easier to access a cloud backend from your front-end application code. It provides language-specific constructs to abstract low-level details of the cloud API. It helps you to integrate services such as analytics, object storage, REST or […]