Front-End Web & Mobile

Category: AWS Amplify

Announcing the Amplify UI StorageManager Component

Announcing the Amplify UI StorageManager Component

Amplify UI is a collection of accessible, themeable, performant React components that can connect directly to the cloud. Today we are announcing a new cloud-connected UI component called the StorageManager, which lets your users upload and manage files to the cloud. In this post you will learn how to use Amplify’s new StorageManager component to […]

Building macOS apps using Amplify Library for Swift

June 27, 2024: This blog post covers Amplify Gen 1. For new Amplify apps, we recommend using Amplify Gen 2. You can learn more about Gen 2 in our launch blog post. The Amplify Library for Swift is now generally available for macOS. Amplify is an open-source client-side library making it easier to access a […]

Optimize waste collection with Amazon Location Service and SageMaker

Routing optimization for waste bin collection In everyday life, we often use routing services to get directions on how to get from point A (i.e. home) to point B (i.e. work). Behind the scenes of these services, there are algorithms that calculate the best way to reach point B from point A and provide with […]

Add storage to a Next.js 13 app with AWS Amplify

This post builds on the initial post, Deploy a Next.js 13 app with authentication to AWS Amplify, which initialized our project with AWS Cognito authentication and deployed our project to Amplify Hosting and the previous post, Build a Product Roadmap with Next.js and Amplify, where we built an admin page for product managers to login […]

Federating users using sign in with apple and amplify for swift with code snippet of fererating a user using amplify api

Federating Users using Sign in with Apple and AWS Amplify for Swift

In many mobile apps, users are offered different ways to authenticate with the app like providing a username and password as well as offering options to sign in with a social provider like Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Apple. When authenticating with a social provider, the user goes through the provider’s auth flow and, in return, […]

NEW: Improved Data Management in Amplify Studio

The Amplify Studio team is excited to announce improvements to the Data Manager experience on Amplify Studio. Data Manager, formerly known as the Content Manager, is a visual interface for you to create and edit data stored within your Studio app’s GraphQL API. With this release, data manager’s reliability and performance will improve significantly, and […]

Featured image for real-time multi-group auth

NEW: Real-time multi-group app with AWS Amplify GraphQL – Build a “Twitter Community” clone

In a recent industry survey, over 66.6% (up from 59.7% in 2019) of JavaScript developers have used real-time technologies. Multiplayer apps makes your app more delightful and drives more organic adoption through user collaboration. With today’s launch, AWS Amplify enables developers to configure dynamic multi-group authorization for real-time subscriptions. This is part three of a […]

One-time Password Authentication with the Amplify Libraries for Swift

June 27, 2024: This blog post covers Amplify Gen 1. For new Amplify apps, we recommend using Amplify Gen 2. You can learn more about Gen 2 in our launch blog post. There are many types of authentication flows for different apps, but using a one-time password (OTP) is one of the more mainstream authentication […]

re:Invent 2022 Wrapped: a Playlist for Web and Mobile App Developers

With 2022 in the rear view, re:Invent attendees have since unpacked their swag and organized a few gigabytes of photos from presentations, booth visits, and evening events. Those who attended virtually have long lists of notes, bookmarks, and questions for the AWS Amplify Discord. Finally, developers that weren’t able to attend are likely asking, “What […]

fullstack NextJS with MongoDB AD

The fullstack guide to using AWS AppSync and MongoDB Atlas

AWS AppSync is a fully managed service that makes it simple to build scalable APIs for web and mobile applications. It allows you to create APIs that access data from a variety of sources, including databases, serverless functions, and other AWS services. With AWS AppSync, you can build APIs that support real-time data via WebSockets, […]