Front-End Web & Mobile

Category: AWS Amplify

Secure AWS AppSync with API Keys using the AWS CDK

Secure AWS AppSync with API Keys using the AWS CDK

AWS AppSync is a managed GraphQL service offered by AWS. As a managed service, there are no servers to keep track of and scaling up and down due to traffic is automatically handled by AWS. In AppSync, there is no concept of a fully-public API. Every request must be protected by one of the following: […]

Using Async/Await with AWS Amplify Libraries for Swift

With the release of the AWS Amplify Libraries for Swift, one of the most anticipated features is now generally available to iOS and macOS developers, async/await. Async/await is part of structured concurrency which allows developers to write asyncronous code in an easy-to-read manner by reducing the amount of callback blocks or chained operations with reactive frameworks […]

TUTORIAL: Build a responsive pricing component with Amplify Studio Figma-to-React code

Contending with different screen sizes is something every front-end or full-stack developer has to handle, one way or another. Modern applications are not just expected to be functional across devices – users except an elegant, quality experience, from a phone screen to a 40“ ultrawide monitor. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to leverage Figma’s […]

Figma-to-code component changing variant based on screen size

NEW: Build responsive Figma-to-React components with almost no code

Amplify Studio is excited to announce significant enhancements to responsive component design through Figma-to-Code! Just build your variants and customize your breakpoints – Amplify Studio does the heavy lifting by generating React components with your design decisions already built in. How it works Modern application design requires developers to design for all different screen sizes. […]

Announcing server-side filters GraphQL subscriptions with AWS Amplify

Today, AWS Amplify is launching the ability for you to filter real-time GraphQL subscription events service-side with Amplify CLI version 10.3.1. This gives developers the ability to optimize network traffic by only getting the real-time events for the data they care about. For example, for a live stream broadcasting website, developers can now filter the […]

Build real-time multi-user experiences using GraphQL on AWS Amplify

Today, AWS Amplify announces new real-time authorization capabilities enabling developers to build collaboration experiences with only a few lines of code. This features enables developers to share data between users by simply appending an “array” of data owners. Update to Amplify CLI version 10.3.1 and above and deploy your GraphQL API to enable this feature. […]

Introducing the AWS Amplify Library for Swift

The Amplify iOS team is announcing the release of version 2.0.0 of the Amplify Library for Swift. Please use this GitHub repo to inform the Amplify iOS team about features or issues, or visit the Amplify Discord server under the #swift-help channel. Highlights Below is a high-level breakdown of the features we are announcing with […]

Considerations when choosing Amazon Location Services Map Styles

Amazon Location Service offers nine different map styles to fit multiple use cases. How do you pick the right base map style for your application? And how does the base map you pick influence the rest of your application? In this post, we review the different map styles available with Amazon Location maps, as well […]

Building a full-stack chat application with AWS and NextJS

June 27, 2024: This blog post covers Amplify Gen 1. For new Amplify apps, we recommend using Amplify Gen 2. You can learn more about Gen 2 in our launch blog post. Modern chat apps require a rich set of features. These features include file storage, real-time updates, and the ability to fetch data on both the […]

How to build a Chrome extension that integrates with Amplify resources

AWS Amplify is the fastest and easiest way to build cloud-powered mobile and web apps on AWS. Amplify comprises a set of tools and services that enables front-end web and mobile developers to leverage the power of AWS services to build innovative and feature-rich applications. Chrome extensions are a great way to build mini applications that […]