Front-End Web & Mobile

Tag: Amazon Cognito

Branch Insurance improves hiring diversity and accelerates app development using AWS AppSync

Branch Insurance is an insurance technology startup that provides simple insurance policies and comprehensive bundles to customers in the United States. The company set out to radically simplify the end-user experience for insurance customers by offering bindable prices based on just a couple simple pieces of information – the customer’s name and address. One of Branch’s […]

Backends for Frontends Pattern

In this blog post, we describe how you can improve end-user customer experience on your User Interfaces (UI) by implementing the Backend for Frontend pattern and providing real-time visual updates when your microservices raise events about mutations in their domain aggregates. The solution proposed combines two patterns: 1) the Backends for Frontends (BFF) pattern, where […]

Authenticating AWS Amplify in an Expo React Native App using Okta OIDC

Managing user identities across multiple applications within an organization can be problematic. If your organization already has a solution for managing user access it is preferable that new applications integrate with currently exiting solutions rather than leveraging a novel mechanism. Okta is one such widely adopted identity management solution that may already be in play […]

Managing images in your NextJS app with AWS AppSync and the AWS CDK

In modern applications, sharing files is as much a necessity as having a database or authentication. When working with AWS, a common storage solution is to use Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) where files are stored in an S3 bucket. The problem however, is a file often needs to be associated with data stored in […]

Secure AWS AppSync with Amazon Cognito using the AWS CDK

In a previous post, we explored how a public API Key for AWS AppSync provides a simple way of allowing access to resources, however, it does come with the following tradeoffs: Expiring after a certain amount of time. The key is passed on the x-api-key header of the request. Making it easy for bad actors […]

Build your own application for route optimization and tracking using AWS Amplify and Amazon Location Service

Many companies serve their customers “in the field.” These are broadly: 1) companies that have a field service business function, e.g., for the repair of equipment that they sell to their customers, and 2) companies that have a route sales business function, e.g., a Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) company’s own or contract employees stocking the […]

Using AWS Amplify in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions

In this blog post, we’ll explain how using AWS Amplify in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions differs from AWS Regions. Then, we’ll walk through moving a workload from an AWS Region to AWS GovCloud (US). We’ll be assuming you wish to build a serverless web application based on modern frameworks, such as ReactJS and Angular, built […]

AWS Amplify announces the ability to override Amplify-generated resources using CDK

Override Amplify-generated backend resources using CDK

AWS Amplify announces the ability for developers to override Amplify-generated IAM, Cognito, S3, and DynamoDB resource configurations to best meet app requirements. With the new override capability, developers can easily configure their backend with Amplify-provided defaults but still customize fine-grained resource settings. AWS Amplify is the fastest and easiest way to build cloud-powered mobile and […]

Import existing Amazon Cognito resources with Amplify Admin UI

This blog post was written by Anna Pfoertsch, Senior Product Manager at AWS Amplify. In this guide you will learn how to integrate your existing Amazon Cognito user pool and federated identities (identity pool) into an Amplify project via the Amplify Admin UI. This will enable your GraphQL API (AppSync), Storage (S3) and other resources […]

Building an application with AWS Amplify, Amazon Cognito, and an OpenID Connect Identity Provider

June 27, 2024: This blog post covers Amplify Gen 1. For new Amplify apps, we recommend using Amplify Gen 2. You can learn more about Gen 2 in our launch blog post. This post was written by Carlos Perea – Global Cloud Infrastructure Architect at AWS, Krithivasan Balasubramaniyan – Senior Consultant at AWS, and Edvin […]