AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Category: AWS CloudFormation

Tracking software licenses with AWS Service Catalog and AWS Step Functions

Enterprises have many business requirements for tracking how software product licenses are used in their organization for financial, governance, and compliance reasons. By tracking license usage, organizations can stay within budget, track expenditures, and avoid unplanned true-up bills from their vendors’ true-up processes. The goal is to track the usage licenses as resources are deployed. […]

How DocuTAP automates cloud operations using AWS Management Tools

Now that large organizations have the flexibility to quickly launch infrastructure and leverage new services, they must find the means to maintain consistent controls without restricting development velocity. In this guest post, Brian Olson, Cloud Architect at health care company DocuTAP, discusses how a combination of AWS Management and Governance services and AWS developer tools […]

Standardizing infrastructure delivery in distributed environments using AWS Service Catalog

A common security design pattern and best practice among many of our enterprise customers is to provide application isolation through the adoption of a multi-account strategy. Many customers choose to create individual AWS accounts based on software development lifecycle (SDLC) phases such as Development (Dev), Quality Assurance (QA), and Production (Prod), to provide complete separation […]

Enable self-service, secured data science using Amazon SageMaker notebooks and AWS Service Catalog

by Sanjay Garje and Vebhhav (Veb) Singh Enterprises of all sizes are moving to the AWS Cloud. We hear from leadership of those enterprise teams that they are looking to provide a safe, cost-governed way to provide easy access to Amazon SageMaker to promote experimentation with data science to unlock new business opportunities and disrupt […]

Git pre-commit validation of AWS CloudFormation templates with cfn-lint

We’re living in a golden age of AWS CloudFormation tooling. Tools like cfn_nag and taskcat make it easier to treat your infrastructure as code by performing testing and validation before you deploy a single resource into your accounts. In this blog post, I’ll show you how to use linters to validate your CloudFormation templates.

Automate account creation, and resource provisioning using AWS Service Catalog, AWS Organizations, and AWS Lambda

As an organization expands its use of AWS services, there is often a conversation about the need to create multiple AWS accounts to ensure separation of business processes or for security, compliance, and billing. Many of the customers we work with use separate AWS accounts for each business unit so they can meet the different […]

How to perform cross-parameter validation using AWS CloudFormation rules and assertions

Most AWS CloudFormation templates use parameters to enable customization. It’s important to validate parameters to ensure a good user experience. AWS CloudFormation gives you several ways to perform parameter validation. For example, you can specify AllowedValues or a Default, or you can assign Types. For more information on validating parameters, see the documentation. Often, developers […]

Your AWS CloudFormation guide to re:Invent 2018

There are less than two weeks left until re:Invent 2018. As in years past, AWS CloudFormation will be there, both behind the scenes deploying infrastructure and front-and-center for break-out sessions, workshops, and chalk talks. Here are a few highlights we’ve pulled from the session catalog, followed by the full list of CloudFormation-focused sessions and workshops to help […]

Building a portfolio of self-service databases with AWS Service Catalog and AWS CloudFormation

Modern distributed applications are moving towards a “purpose-built” database strategy. This means that the selection of database type, size, and configuration should match the problem the database is trying to solve. AWS customers are also requiring that these databases have the appropriate level of security control and organizational governance to operate in customer environments. AWS […]