AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Category: Customer Solutions

How BMW Group uses automation to achieve end-to-end compliance at scale on AWS

This post is co-written with Dr. Jens Kohl, Daniel Engelhardt, and Sascha Kallin from BMW Group. The BMW Group – headquartered in Munich, Germany – is a vehicle manufacturer with 149,000 employees worldwide and manufactures in over 30 production and assembly facilities across 15 countries. Today, the BMW Group (BMW) is the world’s leading manufacturer […]

Real User Monitoring with Amazon CloudWatch RUM and Amazon Managed Grafana

Real User Monitoring with Amazon CloudWatch RUM and Amazon Managed Grafana

In today’s fast-paced digital world, users expect fast and reliable web experiences. Slow-loading pages, errors, and other performance issues can lead to lower engagement and conversion rates, ultimately hurting a business’s bottom line. That’s where Real User Monitoring (RUM) comes in. Real User Monitoring (RUM) is a crucial aspect of modern web application development, allowing developers and […]

Selecting your first workloads to migrate your organization to Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Introduction Selecting your first workloads to migrate your organization to AWS is a key stage in delivering a successful migration. In this blog post we provide guidance on how to select early migration candidates. We cover how selecting these candidates can help to kick-off a successful migration, reduce risk, and build skills inside your organization. […]

Automating Amazon EC2 Instances Monitoring with Prometheus EC2 Service Discovery and AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry

Traditionally, scraping application Prometheus metrics required manual updates to a configuration file, posing challenges in dynamic AWS environments where Amazon EC2 instances are frequently created or terminated. This not only proves time consuming but also introduces the risk of configuration errors, lacking the agility necessary in dynamic environments. In this blog post, we will demonstrate […]

Delivering Business Value with Cloud Platform Teams

Imagine a world where software developers build applications quickly on the cloud, focusing on innovative features, unburdened by complex infrastructure and intricate configurations. Welcome to the era of the cloud platform team. Cloud platform teams build internal tools, automation, and self-service infrastructure to free developers from commodity tasks and enable them to innovate faster. However, […]

How EverQuote Underwent a Serverless Transformation using AWS

This post is co-written with Conor Teer, Senior Software Engineer, at EverQuote, David Kelly, Principal Software Engineer at EverQuote, and Mark O’Connell, SVP of Engineering at EverQuote. EverQuote is a leading online insurance marketplace that helps protect life’s most important assets- family, property, and future by simplifying the experience of shopping for insurance, making it […]

Accelerate Cloud Transformation: Migrate workloads in Weeks with our EBA Migration Parties

Migrations are complex and involve many teams from all levels of an organization. A 2020 Accenture Cloud Value Study found the top barriers to cloud value realization outlined by 700+ IT leaders were misalignment, legacy infrastructure, and lack of skills. Organizations want to keep their applications secure and compliant as they move to the cloud, […]

Measure Transformation through the Cloud Adoption Lens

Measure Transformation through the Cloud Adoption lens

Introduction Business and technology teams often measure Digital Transformation and use a financial metric as the yardstick of success. This is an output focused approach, for example – if you migrate applications as-is to the cloud and reduce costs, businesses will approve more similar migrations. However, organizations need to take a comprehensive approach and include […]

Choose Wisely and Quickly: A Rapid, Data-Driven Approach to Prioritize Applications for Modernization

Figure 1 – Break free from analysis paralysis In today’s dynamic landscape, companies are seeking faster time-to-value for their business initiatives through cloud adoption. As businesses evolve and embrace digital transformation, application modernization becomes a critical aspect of their cloud journey and an imperative for value creation. Modernizing your applications helps you reduce costs, gain […]

Title of blog: Monitoring Windows services with Amazon CloudWatch

Monitoring Windows services with Amazon CloudWatch

If you run Windows workloads on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), monitoring the health and performance of your Windows Services is essential for reliable systems administration. It’s not just about ensuring uptime; it’s about having a pulse on your system’s health and performance. With a variety of services operating in the background, each playing […]