AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Category: Technical How-to

How to Automate Incident Response with PagerDuty and AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager

Incident response is a core operations capability for organizations to develop, and a core element in the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (AWS CAF). Responding to operations incidents quickly is important to minimize their impacts. Automating incident response helps you scale your capabilities, rapidly reduce the recovery time, and reduce repetitive work by your cloud operations teams. […]

Build Cloud Operations Skills Using the New Getting Started with AWS Audit Manager Training

Are you responsible for your organization’s compliance? Do you want to simplify and automate audit activities? Do you want to make sure your organization is compliant with internal control frameworks and industry standards? If you need to simplify your risk and compliance assessments while automating evidence collection in your AWS cloud environment, then getting started […]

Group Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics canaries for an aggregated view across regions

Customers frequently use CloudWatch canaries to monitor their applications that enables them to identify issues pro-actively and resolve them before they reach their end users. In today’s world with the cloud making it much simpler to expand globally and provision infrastructure across different parts of the world, customers tend to localize their infrastructure to the […]

How to manage multi-account applications with AppRegistry and Resource Access Manager

In previous posts we discussed how AWS Service Catalog AppRegistry helps you group applications and application resources within a single context. You can define applications within AppRegistry by providing a name, description, associations to AWS CloudFormation stacks, and associations to application metadata. It is common for customers to deploy applications with CloudFormation across multiple AWS […]

Using AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry and IAM Roles Anywhere on-premises to ingest metrics into Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus

Customers using Prometheus in self-hosted environments face challenges in managing a highly-available, scalable and secure Prometheus server environment, infrastructure for long-term storage, and access control. Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus, a Prometheus-compatible monitoring service for infrastructure and application metrics, solves these problems by providing a fully-managed environment which is tightly integrated with AWS Identity and […]

Visualize and gain insights into your AWS cost and usage with Amazon Managed Grafana

As you migrate workloads to AWS and increase consumption of AWS services, it becomes critical to have a comprehensive view of the value of AWS, as well as to track and effectively manage your AWS cost and usage. AWS offer multiple native services such as AWS Cost Explorer, AWS Budgets, and AWS Cost Anomaly Detection to allow […]

Centrally deploy patching operations across your AWS Organization using Systems Manager Quick Setup

Organizations managing cloud infrastructure in Amazon Web Services need effective mechanisms to manage compliance and security for their resources and applications. Previously, customers were able to scan instances daily for missing patches across all instances in their organization through the Host Management Quick Setup Configuration. Additionally, customers could implement patching using default patch baselines in […]

Use AWS Lambda with AWS Control Tower Audit account to inspect your multi-account setup

When you are building workloads on AWS, you are encouraged to follow a multi-account strategy to isolate workloads into multiple AWS accounts. You can do this to separate your accounts based on different business units, different stages of the software development lifecycle (SDLC) or another manner that is suitable for your organization’s needs. Whichever approach […]

Moving from a single account AWS Config deployment to an Organization wide deployment

As customers become more mature in the cloud, they will start to investigate how they can utilize additional AWS services in order to meet their goals. In many cases the initial phase will involve some research and testing of the service before deploying it across their cloud environment. For customers that may need to maintain […]

Integrate Amazon CloudWatch alarms with Amazon CloudWatch Metrics Insights

Real time alarms are invaluable in proactively knowing when systems are not working as expected or take automated corrective action. Alarms gives you time to investigate and fix the problem before it can result in an outage. However, systems and metrics on which you want to apply the alarms are not always simple. An alarm […]