AWS Cloud Operations Blog
How to set up Amazon CloudWatch alarms to monitor IO metrics of Amazon EBS volumes performance using metric math
To prevent application or database performance hiccups from latency of a disk, it is very critical to monitor disk I/O and usage for performance issues. Disk I/O is the amount of read or write or input/output operations that occur during a period, in other words it measures the data transfer speed between a disk and memory (RAM) on the server. Disk I/O Wait is the percentage of time your processors are waiting on the disk which generally indicates an I/O bottleneck. This can be caused due to disks taking more time to respond to the I/O requests, leading to higher latencies. Many enterprises experience a negative impact on the performance of their applications due to latencies on their storage component when running their workloads. Hence it is very important to monitor disk I/O performance and take proactive actions to prevent a bigger impact in performance.
In this blog post, we will show you how to use Amazon CloudWatch alarms to monitor your disk I/O latency and IOPS for performance.
Customers generally turn to the Amazon EBS to create volumes on which they store the persistent data for their databases and applications. The performance of those volumes is critical to the applications or database using them. Amazon EBS uses solid state drives (SSD) which are optimal for transactional workloads involving frequent read/write operations with small I/O size, where the dominant performance attribute is IOPS. SSD-backed volume types include:
Some of the key metrics that are necessary to be monitored on Amazon EBS volumes are:
- Total IOPS (Input/Output Operations Per Second): The total number of read + write operations in a specified period.
- Total Latency: It is the amount of time taken to write and read a block.
- Queue Length: The number of read and write operation requests waiting to be completed in a specified period. This can be set in case of Provisioned IOPS SSD volumes.
Amazon CloudWatch monitors your AWS resources and the applications you run on AWS in real time. To measure the performance of your resources and applications, you can use CloudWatch to collect and track metrics, which are time series that represent the value of a performance indicator measured over time. You can create alarms that watch metrics and send notifications to engage an operator or trigger automated remediation in case of any performance issue based on thresholds you define. Amazon CloudWatch provides inbuilt monitoring capability for all EBS volumes on metrics listed in on this EBS documentation page. CloudWatch also provides the metric math feature which enables you to query multiple CloudWatch metrics and use math expressions to create new time series based on these metrics.
In this post, we provide steps to set up CloudWatch alarms on the EBS metrics listed above to automatically notify you in case of any performance issues on the EBS volumes to prevent a bigger impact in performance. For example, an application engineer introduced an ETL job that is performing a high number of I/O operations daily during the business hours. This is causing latency to increase on the disks, which impacts the regular database operations and degrades the performance of the application impacting the customer. Having an alarm in place for monitoring the I/O latency helps in identifying the issue which can be mitigated by reassessing the scheduling of the job during off-business hours or configuring the appropriate volume type with appropriate IOPS and throughput to support the customer use case.
Formulae and Thresholds for EBS volume IO metrics
When defining alarms for the EBS volumes, the I/O characteristics thresholds and formulae to consider are:
- For Total IOPS: Maximum IOPS on an EBS volume needs to be considered when defining the threshold. To define the maximum IOPS on an EBS volume, you need to consider the required IOPS (in case of volume types of Provisioned IOPS SSD volumes or General Purpose SSD volumes of type gp3) or derived IOPS (in case of volume types of Provisioned IOPS SSD volumes or General Purpose SSD volumes of type gp2.
Formula: Total IOPS/period = Sum(VolumeReadOps + VolueReadOps)/ Period
- For Total Latency: To define the total latency on EBS volume, you need to consider the maximum latency tolerable by your application without impacting performance.
Formula: Total Latency in ms = (sum (VolumeTotalReadTime + VolumeTotalWriteTime) × 1000) / (sum(VolumeReadOps + VolueReadOps))
- For Queue Length: Consider the average queue depth(rounded to the nearest whole number) of one for every 1000 provisioned IOPS in a minute for Provisioned IOPS SSD volumes. More details on the calculation can be found in this link.
Formula: Optimal Queue Length = Total IOPS/1000
Metric Math in CloudWatch
To create the alarms in CloudWatch for the AWS EBS statistics as defined above using AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), we are going to use the AWS CLI all of put-metric-alarm.
In this blog, we are creating alarms for EBS IOPS, latency, and queue length for which we are using the metrics option in the put-metric-alarm command. Metrics is an array of MetricDataQuery structures that enable you to create an alarm based on the result of a metric math expression. Each item in the Metrics array either retrieves a metric or performs a math expression. For more details on the parameters of the metrics structure, refer to the CloudWatch API documentation.
In this blog, we will be focusing on the following parameters when defining alarms for EBS volumes.
- Expression: a metric math expression to be performed on the returned data.
- MetricName: The name of the metric. For example, to calculate latency one metric needed is VolumeTotalReadTime.
- Dimensions: A dimension is a name/value pair that is part of the identity of a metric. For example, a dimension name of VolumeId will consists of the value for that volume id that we need to create the alarm on.
- Period: The granularity, in seconds, of the returned data points i.e., the length in seconds, used each time the metric specified is evaluated.
- Stat: The statistic to return, for example, Average or Minimum or Maximum.
For this walkthrough, the following prerequisites are necessary:
- An AWS account
- Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) should be created and subscribed for the CloudWatch alarm to use to send a notification. Please follow this link for the setup.
- Amazon EC2 instance exists with Amazon EBS volumes attached to it.
- AWS CLI is installed on the instance where the creation of alarm command is going to be executed.
CloudWatch Alarm setup Walkthrough
Step 1: Define thresholds for alerting
Based on the performance that is expected of the application or database, you need to define the thresholds for alerts.
Example for IOPS threshold:
For example, based on historical trends, the usage of application or database IOPS is observed to be between 6,500 IOPS and 7,500 IOPS. If an EBS provisioned IOPS SSD volume is created with a maximum of 8000 IOPS, you can define the warning threshold around 90% of that value, that is 7200 IOPS, and you can define critical threshold as 95% of that value, that is 7600 IOPS. If it is a mission-critical application where you expect a maximum of 6000 IOPS and an increase in IOPS would lead to other concurrency waits on the database, then you can set lower thresholds with warning threshold defined at around 70% ~ 5600 IOPS and critical threshold defined at 75% ~ 6000 IOPS.
In our post, we assume the threshold of 95% for IOPS alarms.
Example for latency threshold:
In a use case, based on historical trends, you observed an average volume latency of about 2 ms and a maximum latency of 6 ms for your application. If the latency goes above 4 ms then the application starts seeing some slowness with acceptable customer impact and if it crosses 6 ms, there is a huge impact in performance with many webpages starting to time out. For this use case, we can choose a threshold of warning at 3 ms and critical at 4 ms. This is an example and the threshold limits are set based on each application and other business needs.
Example for queue length threshold:
The application uses Provisioned IOPS SSD EBS volumes that are created with 8000 IOPS. Based on AWS documentation for Provisioned IOPS SSD EBS volumes, you should consider an average queue length of one for every 1000 provisioned IOPS in a minute.
In this example, we can set the alarm for queue length at 8 (which is derived from 8000/1000).
Step 2: Create the EBS latency alarm using CLI
EBS latency is calculated using the formula below:
Total Latency in milliseconds = (sum (VolumeTotalReadTime + VolumeTotalWriteTime) × 1000) / (sum(VolumeReadOps + VolueReadOps)).
The metrics parameter allows us to implement the latency formula and is therefore key to creating the latency alarm. Let us dissect the JSON document for metrics parameter below to understand how to structure it.
Now that we understand how the metric math is defined for EBS latency, let us look at an example provided below on how to create a CloudWatch alarm for EBS latency using the AWS CLI with a period of 60 seconds. Make sure to edit it based on your EBS volume details and requirements.
Step 3: Create the EBS IOPS alarm using CLI
EBS IOPS is calculated using the formula below:
Total IOPS/period = Sum(VolumeReadOps + VolueReadOps)/ Period
Key component to create the alarm for IOPS is the metrics parameter which takes into consideration the formula for IOPS. Let us dissect the JSON document for metrics parameter below to understand how to structure it.
Now that we understand how the metric math is defined for EBS IOPS, let us look at an example provided below on how to create a CloudWatch alarm for EBS IOPS using the AWS CLI with a period of 60 seconds. Make sure to edit it based on your EBS volume details and requirements.
Step 4: Create the EBS queue length alarm using AWS CLI
To create a CloudWatch alarm for queue length, you can use a predefined metric in CloudWatch. An example to create this alarm is shown below.
Clean up
So as not to incur additional costs, make sure to clean up the CloudWatch alarms created using the steps in this link.
A proactive monitoring and alerting mechanism is essential to prevent situations where performance bottlenecks negatively impact your application. EBS volume latency, IOPS, and queue length are key metrics to monitor to troubleshoot potential issues without delay. Using metric math helps you monitor efficiently those metrics with CloudWatch alarms.