AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Tag: AWS Multi-Account Management

secure devops pipeline AWS Service Catalog

Creating a secure DevOps pipeline for AWS Service Catalog

Many AWS customers I speak with want to manage their AWS services using infrastructure as code (IaC) and DevOps practices for managing, versioning, and deploying products and portfolios. A best practice is deploying infrastructure templates from a continuous delivery (CD) pipeline with validation. In so doing, you can provide the AWS services your users need […]

Best Practices for Organizational Units with AWS Organizations

AWS customers look to move quickly and securely when launching new business innovations. The multi-account environment provides guidance to help customers plan their AWS environment. This framework is designed to meet security needs, while maintaining the ability to scale and adapt their environments with changing business demands. The basis of a well-architected multi-account AWS environment […]

Delegated Administrator for AWS Service Catalog

Simplify sharing your AWS Service Catalog portfolios in an AWS Organizations setup

Note: This is a June 2020 update to the blog post How to set up a multi-region, multi-account catalog of company standard AWS Service Catalog products. Overview I have seen interest in the native infrastructure template sharing capabilities offered by AWS Service Catalog. For example, my customers share AWS Service Catalog portfolios directly to AWS […]

Multi-account framework

Governance, risk, and compliance when establishing your cloud presence

June 22, 2021: We’ve updated this post to reference the recently published Management & Governance Lens, an extension of the AWS Well-Architected Framework. When speaking with the business and technology leaders I work with, they express the need to bring new products and services to market quickly. They must also stay secure while doing so. […]

Deploy Conformance Packs across an Organization with Automatic Remediation

AWS Config conformance packs help you manage configuration compliance of your AWS resources at scale – from policy definition to auditing and aggregated reporting using a common framework and packaging model. Many enterprises have multiple AWS accounts to manage their AWS infrastructure and demand an easy way to manage compliance policy definitions across their organization. […]

Enabling self-service provisioning of AWS resources with AWS Control Tower

Customers provision new accounts in AWS Control Tower whenever they are on-boarding new business units or setting up application workloads. In some cases, organizations also want their cloud users, developers, and data scientists to deploy self-service standardized and secure patterns and architectures with the new account. Here are a few examples: A developer or cloud […]

How to take advantage of AWS Control Tower and CloudEndure to migrate workloads to AWS

June 22, 2021: This blog post describes CloudEndure Migration. AWS Application Migration Service, the next generation of CloudEndure Migration, is now the recommended service for lift-and-shift migrations to AWS. Most of the customers we work with want to migrate their existing workloads to an AWS environment. They prefer to follow documented AWS best practices, especially […]

Managing AWS resources across multiple accounts and Regions using AWS Systems Manager Automation

AWS Systems Manager Automation simplifies common administrative and maintenance tasks of AWS resources. Using Systems Manager Automation, you can execute predefined tasks/workflows in the form of AWS Systems Manager documents (SSM documents) that you can write yourself or use community published documents. A SSM document defines the actions that Systems Manager performs on your AWS […]

AWS Config RDK: Multi-account and multi-Region deployment

We have introduced an updated version of the AWS Config Rule Development Kit (RDK). The RDK helps you rapidly deploy custom AWS Config rules at scale across multiple AWS accounts and Regions. You can also create a centralized dashboard to view the AWS Config rule compliance status across various AWS accounts. This blog post is […]