AWS Cloud Operations Blog

Tag: CloudWatch

Enable cloud operations workflows with generative AI using Agents for Amazon Bedrock and Amazon CloudWatch Logs

Amazon Bedrock is a fully managed service that offers a choice of high-performing foundation models (FMs) from leading AI companies like AI21 Labs, Anthropic, Cohere, Meta, Mistral AI, Stability AI, and Amazon through a single API, along with a broad set of capabilities you need to build generative AI applications with security, privacy, and responsible […]

Create event-driven workflow with AWS Resource Groups lifecycle events

AWS Resource Groups recently announced a new feature that pushes group lifecycle changes to Amazon EventBridge. A resource group is a collection of AWS resources, in the same AWS Region, that are grouped either using a tag-based query, or AWS CloudFormation stack-based query, and group lifecycle events make it easier for AWS customers to receive […]

Choose, create, and track your unit metrics for your applications

When you operate in the variable spend model of the Cloud, business growth can translate into a variable bill that reflects the activity of your workloads in your environment. For some customers, a monthly increase in their AWS bill is a normal part of growth, but for many, is an unwanted outcome. Therefore, it is […]

How to Automate Incident Response with PagerDuty and AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager

Incident response is a core operations capability for organizations to develop, and a core element in the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (AWS CAF). Responding to operations incidents quickly is important to minimize their impacts. Automating incident response helps you scale your capabilities, rapidly reduce the recovery time, and reduce repetitive work by your cloud operations teams. […]

Adding metrics and traces to your application on Amazon EKS with AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry, AWS X-Ray and Amazon CloudWatch

In order to make a system observable, it must be instrumented. This means that code to emit traces, metrics and logs must be added to the application either manually, with libraries, or with automatic instrumentation agents. Once deployed, the instrumented data from the application will be sent to the respective backend. There are a number […]

Operationalizing CloudWatch Anomaly Detection

In this post, you’ll explore Amazon CloudWatch anomaly detection and set it up using the AWS Console, the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), and AWS CloudFormation. We also review some best practices when using CloudWatch anomaly detection. CloudWatch alarms allow you to watch CloudWatch metrics and receive notifications when the metrics fall outside of […]

How to develop an Observability strategy – Part 2

Your observability strategy starts with your business. “Observability” describes how well you can understand what’s happening in a system. Developing an observability strategy isn’t a one-time effort. It’s a continuous improvement effort that occurs throughout the lifecycle of your workloads. It enables your teams to determine whether or not the workloads they design and run […]

Cost Optimization recommendations for AWS Config

In this post, we’ll walk you through the various best practices and recommendations for optimizing AWS Config costs. This also provides technical guidance for looking at the rules and the recorder, how to start deleting or removing rules that aren’t needed, and then editing the Settings of Config, specifically the “Resource types to record”, to […]

Using Amazon CloudWatch metrics math to monitor and scale resources

Many applications require monitoring, scaling, and alerting across multiple dimensions. This requirement adds operational complexity for Developer Operations (DevOps) teams, as they must track numerous discrete data points. Instead, you can use Amazon CloudWatch metric math to create composite metrics quickly and easily. In this post, you’ll learn to apply these concepts to monitoring dashboards, […]